Now showing items 1-3 of 3
Assisted coral reproduction in the Dominican Republic : a successful story to replicate in the Caribbean
Coral assisted fertilization, larval rearing and recruit propagation success in significant ecological scales, largely depend on scaling up and replicating these efforts in as many regions as possible. The Dominican ...
Coral reef restoration efforts in Latin American countries and territories
Here, we present unpublished data from 12 coral reef restoration case studies from five Latin American countries, describe their motivations and techniques used, and provide estimates on total annual project cost per unit ...
Acciones de conservación marina a través de la integración de la comunidad local
[Español] Debido a distintas presiones globales y locales, los ecosistemas costero-marinos se encuentran rápidamente en declive a un ritmo alarmante. La República Dominicana es especialmente vulnerable a los efectos de la ...