Now showing items 11-20 of 755
Ancient differentiation in the single-island avian radiation of endemic Hispaniolan chat-tanagers (Aves: Calyptophilus)
The simple geographic structure of island systems often makes them tractable for studies of the patterns and processes of biological diversification. The Calyptophilus chat-tanagers of Hispaniola are of general evolutionary ...
Additional notes on the wintering status of Swainson's Warbler in the Dominican Republic
[English] We report the third and fourth records of Swainson’s Warbler (Limnothlypis swainsonii) from Hispaniola. All four records have involved mist-netted birds in montane broadleaf forests of Sierra de Bahoruco in the ...
Plantas de interés apícola en el paisaje : observaciones de campo y la percepción de apicultores en República Dominicana
[Español] Durante aproximadamente un año, se realizaron observaciones de visitas de abejas en plantas en las zonas de infuencia de tres apiarios, ubicados en diferentes zonas climáticas de la parte norte de la República ...
Modeling spatial variation in winter abundance to direct conservation actions for a vulnerable migratory songbird, the Bicknell's Thrush (Catharus bicknelli)
[English] The winter range of the Bicknell's Thrush (Catharus bicknelli), a globally vulnerable Nearctic–Neotropical migratory songbird, is restricted to the Greater Antilles. Most birds occur on Hispaniola, where the ...
Apicultura y conservación de la biodiversidad en el Caribe —muchos intereses convergentes y algunos divergentes—, estudio de caso : República Dominicana
[Español] En el Caribe, una parte importante de los recursos florales aprovechados por las abejas proviene de la vegetación natural y sus remanentes. Dada la tendencia de que los paisajes bajo influencia agropecuaria se ...
The Caribbean Magnolia species (Magnoliaceae) : assessment of the genetic diversity and the underlying evolutionary history
This PhD thesis discusses the importance of conserving the genus Magnolia, particularly in the Americas, where most of the diversity of the genus is found. Magnolia trees provide a range of services, including cultural ...
La naturaleza dominicana : artículos publicados en el suplemento sabatino del periódico El Caribe (1978-1989). 5 : dunas, formaciones geológicas, orografía, volcanes
Este libro forma parte de una obra de seis volúmenes que reúne artículos escritos por Félix Servio Ducoudray Mansfield sobre la naturaleza dominicana, que fueron publicados en el suplemento sabatino del periódico El Caribe ...
A checklist of marine plants and animals of the south coast of the Dominican Republic
A research cruise to the South Coast of the Dominican Republic was conducted 14-22 May 1979 by the Department of Marine Sciences in cooperation with Centro de Investigaciones de Biologia Marina de la Universidad Autonoma ...
The composition of wintering bird communities in an agricultural landscape of the Northwestern Dominican Republic
Hispaniola, the second largest and most topographically complex island in the Antilles of the Caribbean, is home to a wide variety of habitats for resident birds as well as overwintering migrants from North America. Over ...
Population structure of an endemic fish Limia zonata (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliinae) in the Maimón River, Dominican Republic
[English] The population structure of Limia zonata (Nichols, 1915) was studied in four locations in the Maimón River, Monseñor Nouel province, Dominican Republic. The sex and adult-juveniles ratio was calculated for all ...