Browsing Investigación ambiental by Author "Incháustegui, Sixto J."
A new frog of the Eleutherodactylus abbotti species group (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae) from Hispaniola, with bioacoustic and taxonomic comments on other species
Díaz, Luis M.; Incháustegui, Sixto J.; Marte, Christian; Köhler, Gunther; Cádiz, Antonio; Rodríguez, Marcos (2018)Abstract: A new species of frog, Eleutherodactylus geitonos sp. nov., is described from the southeastern slope of the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic. The new frog is closely related to E. haitianus and both species ... -
Amphibians and reptiles of the Dominican Republic : species of special concern
Powell, Robert; Ottenwalder, José Alberto; Incháustegui, Sixto J.; Henderson, Robert W.; Glor, Richard E. (2000)The Dominican Republic faces multiple threats to biodiversity. A list of native species of amphibians and reptiles (excluding sea turtles) is presented. Some may have become extinct recently, substantial populations of ... -
Chilabothrus gracilis, Hispaniola Boa
Henderson, Robert W.; Incháustegui, Sixto J.; Landestoy T., Miguel A. (2021)Este artículo presenta los resultados de una evaluación reciente sobre el estado de conservación de la Boa de la Hispaniola (Chilabothrus gracilis) publicado en la «Lista Roja de Especies Amenazadas» de la Unión Internacional ... -
Conservation of Cyclura ricordii in the southwestern Dominican Republic and a brief history of the Grupo Jaragua
Rupp, Ernst; Incháustegui, Sixto J.; Arias, Yvonne (2005)After the IUCN SSC Iguana Specialist Group drafted a species recovery plan for Ricord’s Iguana (Cyclura ricordii) during a workshop in Santo Domingo on 17–18 November 2002, Grupo Jaragua began systematically searching for ... -
Conservation of the herpetofauna of the Dominican Republic
Powell, Robert; Incháustegui, Sixto J. (2011)The herpetofauna of the Dominican Republic consists of 39 frogs (two of which areintroduced), 110 squamates (one possibly extinct and three or four introduced), one crocodilian, three turtles (one introduced), plus four ... -
Conserving Cyclura ricordii 2007
Rupp, Ernst; Incháustegui, Sixto J.; Arias, Yvonne (2008)The recovery of C. ricordii is part of Grupo Jaragua’s program to conserve biodiversity in the biosphere reserve in the southwestern part of the Dominican Republic, thought to be one of the most diverse sites in the insular ... -
Cyclura ricordii on the Barahona Peninsula : a preliminary report
Arias, Yvonne; Incháustegui, Sixto J.; Rupp, Ernst (2004)This report summarizes the preliminary results of the survey undertaken by Grupo Jaragua in Cabo Rojo, Pedernales region of the Barahona Peninsula in the Dominican Republic. The main purpose of the survey was to search for ... -
Descripción preliminar de las llamadas de anuncio de Eleutherodactylus patriciae (Anura: Eleutherodactylidae), en el Parque Nacional Valle Nuevo, República Dominicana
Marte-Pimentel, Cristian F.; Díaz, Luis M.; Incháustegui, Sixto J. (2022)[Español] La mayoría de las especies del género Eleutherodactylus de la Hispaniola carecen de descripciones cuantitativas de sus llamadas de anuncio. Entre tales especies se encuentra E. patriciae, una rana endémica de la ... -
Estudio de la tenencia de la tierra en el área de Cyclura ricordi en Pedernales
Rupp, Ernst; León, Yolanda M.; Incháustegui, Sixto J.; Arias, Yvonne (2018)Este estudio, parte del proyecto del Grupo Jaragua para conservar la biodiversidad en la Reserva de la Biosfera en el Suroeste de la República Dominicana, identifica las zonas de Pedernales en las que la agricultura pone ... -
Green Iguanas (Iguana iguana) in the Dominican Republic
Pasachnik, Stesha A.; Carreras de León, Rosanna; Reynoso, Víctor Hugo; Rupp, Ernst; León, Yolanda M.; Incháustegui, Sixto J. (2012)This species was unknown from the Dominican Republic until the early 1990s when Green Iguanas began to be sold as pets. From 10 February through 9 March 2012, we conducted a series of interviews in local communities ... -
Guía para la identificación de los anfibios y réptiles de la Hispaniola
Henderson, Robert W.; Schwartz, Albert; Incháustegui, Sixto J. (1984)Esta guía es de gran importancia y utilidad para especialistas y aficionados de la identificación de anfibios y reptiles de la Hispaniola y de la región del Caribe. Desde el año 1941, en el que Doris M. Cochran publicara ... -
Hispaniolan giant Diploglossus (Sauria: Anguidae): description of a new species and notes on the ecology of D. warreni
Incháustegui, Sixto J.; Schwartz, Albert; Henderson, Robert W. (1985)A third giant species of Diploglossus,D. carraui, is described from north-central República Dominicana. Comparisons between this species and D. warrenifrom Haiti and D. anelpistusfrom south-central República Dominicana are ... -
Humedales y jicoteas : tortugas de agua dulce de La Española
Incháustegui, Sixto J. (2018)Un componente muy importante de los humedales del Caribe insular, pocas veces reconocido, son las tortugas de agua dulce. Se encuentran entre los vertebrados acuáticos de mayor importancia, entre otras cosas por los servicios ... -
Insularidad, anolis, ecología y evolución
Incháustegui, Sixto J.; Arias, Yvonne (1986)Este texto analiza los trabajos de zoogeografía que se han realizado en islas, debiddo a su extensión y faunas limitadas y mayor probabilidad de separar los diversos factores que afectan la distribución de los animales. ... -
Natural hybridization between two species of green Anoles: morphological and genetic evidence
Gabot-Rodríguez, Eveling; Incháustegui, Sixto J.; Pfenninger, Markus; Feldmeyer, Barbara; Kӧhler, Gunther (2020)[English] Anoles are a group of lizards that offer a wide range of opportunities to study different biological topics. In this work, we examined some aspects of the morphology from 139 individuals of green anoles collected ... -
New hope for Dominican frogs: Proyecto RANA-RD
Incháustegui, Sixto J. (2011)Protecto RANA-RD offers new hopes for the conservation of amphibians in the Dominican Republic. For the first time, a project of this nature is being fully financed by the Dominican Government. It is also the first time ... -
Preliminary report on Cyclura ricordi in the Barahona peninsula
Arias, Yvonne; Incháustegui, Sixto J.; Rupp, Ernst (2004)The present report is a resume of the preliminary results of the survey undertaken by Grupo Jaragua in the Cabo Rojo – Pedernales region. The main purpose of the survey was to search and localize Cyclura ricordi habitats ... -
Preliminary report on the distribution and status of Cyclura ricordii along the southern shore of Lago Enriquillo
Rupp, Ernst; Incháustegui, Sixto J.; Arias, Yvonne (2007)Ricord’s Iguana (Cyclura ricordii) is endemic to Hispaniola, where it is one of two species of Rock Iguanas on the island. Ricord’s Iguana is critically endangered according to the current IUCN Red List. The population is ... -
Rediscovery of the Altagracia Giant Galliwasp (Caribicus anelpistus) at Villa Altagracia, Dominican Republic
Jesús, Nelvinson de; Marte, Cristian; Espinal, Ramón Joel; Incháustegui, Sixto J. (2023)We herein report the rediscovery of the Altagracia Giant Galliwasp (Caribicus anelpistus) for the first time since its original description 44 years ago (Schwartz et al. 1979). -
Sistema agroforestal con plantas nativas y endémicas en la zona de Oviedo, península de Barahona
Rupp, Ernst; Incháustegui, Sixto J.; Arias, Yvonne (2006)Este material de conferencia explica el proyecto de implementación de un sistema agroforestal con plantas nativas y endémicas en la zona de Oviedo, República Dominicana. En los sistemas agroforestales existen interacciones ...