Mostrando ítems 195-214 de 1249

    • Caribbean amphibians and reptiles 

      Crother, Brian I. (ed.) (1999)
      [English] Amphibians and reptiles are the most numerous, diverse, and frequently encountered animals on the Caribbean islands. This book provides a variety of perspectives on this amazing group of organisms. Caribbean ...
    • Caribbean biogeography : molecular evidence for dispersal in West Indian terrestrial vertebrates 

      Hedges, S. Blair; Hass, Carla A.; Maxson, Linda R. (1992)
      The geological association of the Greater Antilles with North and South America in the late Cretaceous led to the hypothesis that the present Antillean biota reflects those ancient land connections. Molecular data from ...
    • Caribbean Herpetology 

      Hedges, S. Blair (Editor-in-Chief and publisher) (2010)
      Caribbean Herpetology is a non-profit, peer-reviewed, online-only, open access journal. It publishes manuscripts on a diversity of topics related to Caribbean herpetology, including evolution, ecology, behavior, biogeography, ...
    • Caribbean Marine Atlas 

      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (2020)
      The Caribbean Marine Atlas (CMA) is an online digital platform that stores and provides access to geospatial information (and related documents) on the "Marine Environment and Human Societies in the Wider Caribbean Region". ...
    • Caribbean Sea soundscapes : monitoring humpback whales, biological sounds, geological events, and anthropogenic impacts of vessel noise 

      Heenehan, H.; Stanistreet, J.; Corkeron, P.; Bouveret, L.; Chalifour, J.; Davis, G.; Henríquez, A.; Kiszka, J.; Kline, L.; Reed, C.; Shamir-Reynoso, Omar; Védie, F.; de Wolf, W.; Hoetjes, P.; van Parijs, S. (2019)
      Assessing marine soundscapes provides an understanding of the biological, geological and anthropogenic composition of a habitat, including species diversity, community composition, and human impacts. For this study, nine ...
    • Caribbean women’s health and transnational ethnobotany 

      Vardeman, Ella; Vandebroek, Ina (2022)
      Immigrants from the Dominican Republic (DR) and Haiti are among the top foreign–born communities in New York City (NYC). As people migrate to new countries, they bring their ethnomedical beliefs and practices, and adapt ...
    • Caribbean-wide, long-term study of seagrass beds reveals local variations, shifts in community structure and occasional collapse 

      Tussenbroek, Brigitta I. van; Cortés, Jorge; Collin, Rachel; Fonseca, Ana C.; Gayle, Peter M. H.; Guzmán, Héctor M.; Jácome, Gabriel E.; Juman, Rahanna; Koltes, Karen H.; Oxenford, Hazel A.; Rodríguez-Ramírez, Alberto; Samper-Villarreal, Jimena; Smith, Struan R.; Tschirky, John J.; Weil, Ernesto (2014)
      The CARICOMP monitoring network gathered standardized data from 52 seagrass sampling stations at 22 sites (mostly Thalassia testudinum-dominated beds in reef systems) across the Wider Caribbean twice a year over the period ...
    • El Caribe y el cambio climático : los costos de la inacción [resumen ejecutivo] 

      Bueno, Ramón; Herzfeld, Cornelia; Stanton, Elizabeth A.; Ackerman, Franz (2008)
      Este informe expone una investigación preliminar de los costos potenciales que las naciones insulares del Caribe deberán afrontar si las emisiones de los gases de efecto invernadero continúan sin restricciones.
    • Caribherp : amphibians and reptiles of Caribbean Islands 

      Hedges, S. Blair (1999)
      Caribherp is an online database containing information on amphibians and reptiles of the Caribbean Islands. It was established in 1999 and serves as a resource for determining the species that occur on specific islands, ...
    • Carry-over effects provide linkages across the annual cycle of a Neotropical migratory bird, the Louisiana Waterthrush Parkesia motacilla 

      Latta, Steven C.; Cabezas, Sonia; Mejía, Danilo A.; Paulino, María M.; Almonte, Hodali; Miller-Butterworth, Cassandra M.; Bortolotti, Gary R. (2015)
      Population limitation models of migratory birds have sought to include impacts from events across the full annual cycle. Previous work has shown that events occurring in winter result in some individuals transitioning to ...
    • Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies 

      Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro; Strong, Mark T. (2012)
      The catalogue enumerates all taxa of Gymnosperms, Dicotyledons, and Monocotyledons occurring in the West Indies archipelago excluding the islands off the coast of Venezuela (Netherlands Antilles, Venezuelan Antilles, Tobago, ...
    • Catalogue of seed plants of the West Indies website 

      Acevedo-Rodríguez, Pedro; Strong, Mark T. (2007)
      This website presents a checklist of the currently accepted scientific names of seed plants from the West Indies, including synonomy and distribution by island. The list also provides the common names used throughout the ...
    • Catálogo de ballenas jorobadas de la bahía de Samaná : temporada 2013 

      Daniel, Aurelio; Degener, Christina; Maccoy, Emer; Revnikova, Eva; Pontier, Giselle; Paredis, Ina; Betancourt Fernández, Liliana; Moris, Lenny; Moris, Leonald; Barett, Oscar; Gallego, Pierre; Hamilton, Ryan; Celano, Sarah; Hennion, Stéphane; King, Vanessa (2013)
      El Centro para la Conservación y Ecodesarrollo de la Bahía de Samaná (CEBSE, Inc.) y la Asociación de Dueños de Barcos de la Bahía de Samaná (ASDUBAHISA) han unido esfuerzos para elaborar el Catálogo de ballenas jorobadas ...
    • Cavidades del litoral : Parque Nacional Los Haitises 

      Molina Rodríguez, José; Álvarez García, Genaro; Rubio, Johnny; D'Ocampo, María de los Ángeles (coord.); Ramírez, Nunila (coord.); Cámara Artigas, Rafael (coord.); Saz, José Luis (coord.) (1994)
      Este documento es el resultado de los trabajos conjuntos realizados por la oenegé española AEMA y Espeleogrupo dominicano, bajo la supervisión técnica y apoyo de la dirección Nacional de Parques y de la Agencia Española ...
    • Cátedra Magistral Ambiental "Dra. Pirigua Bonetti" (VI versión). Economía ambiental : ¿cuál es el valor de los ecosistemas naturales? 

      Hazim Torres, José; Bonetti de Santana, Rosa Margarita; Gómez-Valenzuela, Víctor; Alpízar, Francisco; Franco, Carol; Rainieri, Frank; Malagón, Jacqueline (2022)
      La sexta versión de la Cátedra Magistral Ambiental Dra. Pirigua Bonetti se centra en el valor de los ecosistemas naturales mediante las pautas que brinda la economía ambiental sobre los servicios ecosistémicos y su importancia ...
    • Centro de descargas : Instituto Geográfico Nacional José Joaquín Hungría Morell 

      Instituto Geográfico Nacional José Joaquín Hungría Morell (2023)
      En el Centro de Descargas del Instituto Geográfico Nacional José Joaquín Hungría Morell puede descargarse gratuitamente la información geográfica digital de la República Dominicana, en el sistema de coordenadas proyectado ...
    • Centruroides platnicki Armas, 1981 (Scorpiones: Buthidae), a new addition to the scorpion fauna of Hispaniola, Greater Antilles 

      Teruel, Rolando; Seiter, Michael (2016)
      Se registra por primera vez la presencia en la isla antillana de la Española del escorpión bútido Centruroides platnicki Armas 1981, conocido hasta el presente de las Bahamas más meridionales (islas Turcas y Caicos incluidas). ...
    • Challenges for sustainable growth through tourism in the Dominican Republic 

      Fawcett, Emma (2016)
      This book presents an analysis of tourism sector in the Dominican Republic, identifying key challenges in establishing sustainable, inclusive growth through tourism, while proposing a series of policy recommendations to ...
    • Changes in extreme temperature and precipitationin the Caribbean region, 1961–2010 

      Stephenson, Tannecia S. et al. (2014)
      A workshop was held at the University of the West Indies, Jamaica, in May 2012 to build capacity in climate data rescue and to enhance knowledge about climate change in the Caribbean region. Scientists brought their daily ...
    • Changing ecological communities along an elevation gradient in seasonally dry tropical forest on Hispaniola (Sierra Martín García, Dominican Republic) 

      Franklin, Janet; Majure, Lucas C.; Encarnación, Yuley; Clase, Teodoro; Almonte-Espinosa, Hodali; Landestoy T., Miguel A.; Kratter, Andrew W.; Oswald, Jessica A.; Soltis, Douglas E.; Terrill, Ryan S.; Steadman, David W. (2019)
      [English] We report the results of systematic vascular plant and bird surveys in Seasonally Dry Tropical Forest (SDTF) across leeward and windward elevation gradients (31– 884 masl) in the Sierra Martín García (SMG), ...