Sinopsis: | The aim of this publication is simple: in a rational, scientifically robust way, it puts the spotlight on a Caribbean network of internationally important biodiversity sites "Important Bird Areas" (IBAs). In a region that is exceptionally rich in endemic birds, seabirds, waterbirds, and species already at risk of extinction, IBAs are an objective expression of which places in the Caribbean are the most important for these birds and why. By highlighting the significance of IBAs, the goal is to secure their long-term conservation to ensure that these remnants of paradise are not lost. The Important Bird Area program in the Caribbean started in early 2001. Inventories were compiled for all Caribbean countries and territories. The Dominican Republic inventory is presented in this chapter.
Autor(es): | Perdomo, Laura
Arias, Yvonne
Año: | 2008
Publicado: | Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International
ISBN: | 9780946888658
Citación: | Perdomo, L. y Arias, Y. (2008). Dominican Republic. En: D. C. Wege & V. Anadon-Irizarry (ed.), Important bird areas in the Caribbean : key sites for conservation. Series: BirdLife Conservation Series Vol. 15, pp. 157-174. Cambridge, UK: BirdLife International. Recuperado de:
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