Mostrando ítems 231-235 de 3907

    • Estudio pesquero en el Parque Nacional del Este, República Dominicana 

      Pugibet Bobea, Enrique; Sluka, Robert; Almánzar, Luis; Hernández, Marina (2004)
      Coral reef fish are an important resource throughout the Caribbean, especially in developing countries. The coral reef fish fishery of the Dominican Republic is purely artisanal. This fishery exploits many different species ...
    • Diverse Rhinotermitidae and Termitidae (Isoptera) in Dominican amber 

      Krishna, Kumar; Grimaldi, David A. (2009)
      The most diverse and best-preserved paleofauna of the higher termites heretofore known, all found in Miocene amber of the Dominican Republic, is described. The imago of Coptotermes priscus Emerson is redescribed, and the ...
    • The neuropterid fauna of Dominican and Mexican amber (Neuropterida: Megaloptera, Neuroptera) 

      Engel, Michael S.; Grimaldi, David A. (2007)
      The neuropterid fauna of early Miocene Dominican and Oligocene-Miocene Mexican amber is treated. The fauna consists entirely of Megaloptera and Neuroptera while the snakeflies (Raphidioptera) are not presently known in ...
    • Preliminary checklist of the Orthoptera (Saltatoria) of Hispaniola 

      Pérez-Gelabert, Daniel (2001)
      This work summarizes the preliminary taxonomic information available on the Orthoptera fauna of Hispaniola. Valid names, synonyms used in pertinent references, data on type specimens and species distributions are included. ...
    • Environmental synopsis : Dominican Republic 

      The World Conservation Union (IUCN); Commission of the European Communities (1993)
      After the introductory fact sheet and outline of key issues, this report is divided into three chapters. The first deals with institutional infrastructure, especially in the environmental context. The second reviews the ...