Now showing items 241-250 of 286
Kit de minería 4 : el cierre de minas
Es la cuarta y última etapa del ciclo minero y es cuando una mina termina sus operaciones. Los minerales son recursos no renovables, esto quiere decir que en algún momento se van a acabar. Por eso, todas las operaciones ...
Kit de minería 3 : ahora sí comienza la operación minera
Esta etapa del ciclo minero en la que se extrae el mineral contenido en un yacimiento, generalmente es la etapa más larga de todas. Las operaciones mineras pueden ser subterráneas, cuando el mineral se encuentra a mucha ...
Endemic bird of the day : Golden Swallow
Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 31 poster, dedicated to the Golden Swalow. If you ever get the chance to go birding in the mountains of the Dominican Republic (DR) or Haiti, you’ll want to add Golden Swallows ...
Endemic bird of the day : Antillean Euphonia
Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 22 poster, dedicated to the Antillean Euphonia, a colorful, small bird of the Fringillidae family. It has a remarkable variety of melodious calls and jumbled songs that includes ...
Endemic bird of the day : Hispaniolan Woodpecker
Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 35 poster, dedicated to the Hispaniolan Woodpecker. This charismatic endemic is found all over the island of Hispaniola and has garnered quite the reputation for itself. With ...
Endemic bird of the day : Palmchat
Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 30 poster, dedicated to the Palmchat, endemic to and widespread on the island of Hispaniola (Cigua Palmera in the Dominican Republic and Oiseau Palmiste in Haiti). It is a noisy ...
Endemic bird of the day : Black-crowned Palm-Tanager
Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 16 poster, dedicated to the Black-crowned Palm-Tanager, locally known as Cuatro Ojos (“four-eyes”). This striking bird is a medium-sized passerine endemic to the island of Hispaniola ...
Endemic bird of the day : Bananaquit
Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 3 poster, dedicated to Sugar Bird, Banana Bird, See-see Bird, Beeny Bird. These are all affectionate nicknames for our beloved Bananaquit. The Bananaquit is a small, friendly ...
Endemic bird of the day : Ridgway’s Hawk
Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 5 poster, dedicated to The Ridgway’s Hawk. This bird is found only on the island of Hispaniola, which is shared by the nations of Haiti and Dominican Republic. It is one of the ...
Endemic bird of the day : Vervain Hummingbird
Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 67 poster, dedicated to the Vervain Hummingbird. Was that an insect buzzing past me just now? No, it’s the Vervain hummingbird (Mellisuga minima), the second smallest bird in the ...