Browsing by Title
Now showing items 5729-5748 of 5773
Waking the sleeping giant : unlocking the hidden power of business to save the planet
(2021)Within every company, there lies a sleeping giant. Companies have long been viewed as either the primary cause of environmental destruction, or as a deep-pocketed funding source for people trying to confront it. But with ... -
Waste as a sustainable source of nutrients for plants and humans : a strategy to reduce hidden hunger
(2024)Worldwide, over half of all preschool-aged children and two-thirds of non-pregnant women of reproductive age suffer from hidden hunger. This situation may worsen due to the expected increase in the world population and the ... -
Water / sanitation safety : What are the climate-related impacts on water and sanitation?
(2022)Infographic from the series "Empowering Caribbean Action for Climate and Health". -
Water and energy balance model GOES-PRWEB : development and validation
(2021)In 2009, the University of Alabama-Huntsville configured their GOES satellited-based solar radiation product to include Puerto Rico, the US Virgin Islands (USVI), Dominican Republic, Haiti, Jamaica, and Cuba. These data ... -
Water budget analyses for the Yuna River watershed and Samaná Bay
(2006)A series of different analyses were conducted to characterize the freshwater budget of Samana Bay, in order to understand the sources of water entering the bay and the potential impacts on flows into the bay of human water ... -
Water governance in Latin America and the Caribbean: a multi-level approach
(2012)The water debate in relation to poverty alleviation has one dimension that is often sidelined: its relationship with public governance. This report attempts to shed some light on the governance of water policy in Latin ... -
Water quality conservation in marine protected areas : a case study of Parque Nacional del Este, Dominican Republic
(2001)[English] The focus of this technical report is a discussion of an assessment of water quality in Parque Nacional del Este, Dominican Republic. Despite its designation as a national park, water quality threats from tourism ... -
Webinar: Importancia de la educación ambiental en República Dominicana
(2021)Webinar celebrado e Día Mundial de la Educación Ambiental (26 de enero). Andrea Taveras, directora de Educación y Divulgación Ambiental del Ministerio de Medio Ambiente y Recursos Naturales, y Rosa Margarita Bonetti de ... -
West Indian manatees (Trichechus manatus) in the wider Caribbean region
(2012)In this chapter we address conservation of the remaining West Indian manatees in the Wider Caribbean (WCR), including those populations within the Caribbean Sea, the western Gulf of Mexico and along the Atlantic coasts of ... -
Wetland Global Carbon Survey: Tropical Wetlands Initiatives for Climate Adaptation and Mitigation (TWINCAM) (Final Report: 1 October 2011 – 30 September 2012)
(2012)The overall goal of this project is to support the development of the international REDD+ mechanism in wetlands and significantly reduce this constraint throughout the tropics through better characterization of C stocks ... -
Wetmore's 'The Birds of Haiti and the Dominican Republic'
(1931)As is generally known, Dr. Alexander Wetmore has for some time been interested in the bird life of Haiti and San Domingo, and the results of his explorations in the island and his studies of its avifauna have just been ... -
What is climate's impact on vulnerable populations? (like the elderly, youth and indigenous populations)
(2022)Infographic from the series "Empowering Caribbean Action for Climate and Health". -
What is out there? A typology of land restoration projects in Latin America and the Caribbean
(2019)Restoring degraded lands is high on the international agenda and the number of restoration projects in Latin America and the Caribbean (LAC) has increased considerably over the past decades. However, the variety of approaches ... -
What is the benefit of a health national adaptation (HNAP) plan?
(2022)Infographic from the series "Empowering Caribbean Action for Climate and Health". -
Where is your nest? [nest matching activity]
(2020)For kids & adults. Test your knowledge of what kinds of nests Caribbean endemic birds build and use to lay eggs and raise chicks with the Nest Matching Activity! Draw lines from the drawings to match each Caribbean endemic ... -
WIDECAST : Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network : Activity highlights 2019-2020
(2021)Sea turtles, once abundant in the Caribbean Sea and serving as keystone species in tropical marine ecosystems, are severely reduced from historical levels, both in population size and range. According to the IUCN Red List ... -
Widespread loss of Caribbean acroporid corals was underway before coral bleaching and disease outbreaks
(2020)The mass mortality of acroporid corals has transformed Caribbean reefs from coral- to macroalgal-dominated habitats since systematic monitoring began in the 1970s. Declines have been attributed to overfishing, pollution, ... -
Wildlife of the Caribbean
(2014)This is the first comprehensive illustrated guide to the natural world of the Caribbean islands. It contains 600 vivid color images featuring 451 species of plants, birds, mammals, fish, seashells, and much more. While the ... -
Wildlife trade control : CAFTA-DR regional gap analysis report
(2009)TRAFFIC North America (TRAFFIC) in conjunction with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) received a grant from the U.S. Department of State for a project designed to undertake an overview “gap analysis” related to ... -
Wind energy resource atlas of the Dominican Republic
(2001)The Wind Energy Resource Atlas of the Dominican Republic identifies the wind characteristics and the distribution of the wind resource in this country. This major project is the first of its kind undertaken for the Dominican ...