Browsing by Title
Now showing items 3972-3991 of 5784
Object-based mapping of coral reef habitats using planet dove satellites
(2019)High spatial resolution benthic habitat information is essential for coral reef protection and coastal environmental management. Satellite-based shallow benthic composition mapping offers a more efficient approach than ... -
Objetivos de desarrollo del milenio : avances en la sostenibilidad ambiental del desarrollo en América Latina y el Caribe
(2010)Como se muestra en este informe, en América Latina y el Caribe se han logrado importantes avances en algunos aspectos de la sostenibilidad ambiental: la superficie total de áreas protegidas ha crecido en forma sostenida ... -
Observadores climáticos en la ruralía dominicana
(2018)[Español] Las comunidades campesinas han estado observando sus territorios y manejando su biodiversidad desde tiempos inmemoriales; pero con los avances de la ciencia y la tecnología, sus saberes son marginados por un ... -
Observation of geophagy by Hispaniolan Crossbill (Loxia megaplaga) at an abandoned bauxite mine
(2012)Abstract: I report an observation of endangered Hispaniolan Crossbill (Loxia megaplaga) feeding on soils near abandoned bauxite mines in the Sierra de Bahoruco, Dominican Republic. Although geophagy has been widely reported ... -
Observations of unusual behavior in two invasive carnivores in the Dominican Republic: arboreal foraging in the Small Indian Mongoose (Urva auropunctata) and semi-aquatic hunting in the Domestic Cat (Felis catus)
(2023)[English] We report unusual foraging events in two of the most invasive terrestrial predators in the world that are well established in the Caribbean islands: the Small Indian Mongoose (Urva auropunctata), locally known ... -
Observations on governance in the Global Environment Facility (GEF) International Waters (IW) Programme
(2011)The Transboundary Waters Assessment Programme (TWAP) is a GEF project to develop indicators for monitoring all aspects of the projects in its International Waters (IW) portfolio. This discussion paper addresses the monitoring ... -
Observations on the abundance, site persistence, home range, foraging, and nesting of the Pine Warbler on Hispaniola, and first record of ground nesting for this species
(1999)[English] We studied the permanent resident Pine Warbler (Dendroica pinus) from October-April 1996–1997 and 1997–1998 in high-elevation Hispaniolan pine (Pinus occidentalis) forests of the Sierra de Bahoruco in the Dominican ... -
Observations on the habitat and ecology of the Hispaniolan solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus) in the Dominican Republic
(1999)The habitat of the Hispaniolan Solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus) was investigated in the Dominican Republic in relation to particular environmental parameters (geomorphology, geologicalstructure, soil type, elevation, life ... -
Observe marine mammals without disturbing them : Eco-citizen actions to protect biodiversity
(Sin fecha)In order to support commercial marine mammal watching operators to develop a sustainable and responsible whale watching activity and promote a quality tourism offer, this poster guides and illustrates the information that ... -
Obtaining DNA samples from sensitive and endangered bird species : a comparison of saliva and blood samples
(2022)[English] Methods used to collect biological samples from birds for genetic analyses should allow high-quality DNA to be obtained in sufficient quantities, while limiting negative effects on sampled individuals. In this ... -
Occurrence, abundance, and length frequency distribution of queen conch, Strombus gigas (Gastropoda) on shallow waters of the Jaragua National Park, Dominican Republic
(1999)[English] The distribution of juvenile queen conch has been associated with certain ecologically unique characteristics within seagrass beds, such as strong tidal circulation patterns, depth of 2 to 4 m, and seagrass beds ... -
Ocean governance in the Wider Caribbean region : communication and coordination mechanisms by which states interact with regional organisations and projects. The Caribbean Ocean Governance Linkages (COGLinks) Project
(2010)The large number of states in the Wider Caribbean Region (WCR) results in most ocean governance issues being transboundary and thus requiring regional cooperation. This project examines one aspect of transboundary ocean ... -
Ocean-based climate solutions in Nationally Determined Contributions : June 2023 update
(2023)There is increasing recognition of the linkages between the ocean and climate change. As Parties to the Paris Agreement communicate their second round of national climate goals, this policy brief tracks the inclusion of ... -
(2011)Revista de la Autoridad Nacional de Asuntos Marítimos (ANAMAR) que tiene por objetivos informar sobre las actividades de este organismo público y educar y crear conciencia sobre los recursos marítimos de la República ... -
Océanos, núm. 1
(2011)Primer número de la revista de ANAMAR. Artículos: El Gran Agujero Azul, Cousteau lo calificó como un paraíso del buceo; América; Entrevista a Pelegrín Castillo, presidente de la Comisión de Asuntos Marinos de la Cámara de ... -
Océanos, núm. 2
(2011)Segundo número de la revista de ANAMAR. Artículos: El mayor arrecife del mundo; Glosar a Canetti; Entrevista a Luis Contreras, ingeniero naval; CIRAMAR, reparación, conversión y construcción de embarcaciones marítimas y ... -
Océanos, núm. 3
(2012)Tercer y último número publicado de la revista de ANAMAR. Artículos: Un gran almacén de energía; El catamarán solar con récord mundial; Piratas y naufragios III; Reglamento no. 323-12, que aprueba la normativa de aplicación ... -
Octavo informe anual de avance en la implementación de la Estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo 2030 y cumplimiento de los objetivos y metas del Plan Plurianual del Sector Público al 2019
(2020)El abordaje de este octavo informe anual se enmarca en siete temas: i) análisis del avance hacia las metas de la Estrategia Nacional de Desarrollo al año 2019; ii) producción pública y acciones relevantes en apoyo a los ... -
Oficinas verdes
(Sin fecha)Brochure divulgativo y educativo sobre las oficinas verdes. Para lograr una oficina verde es imprescindible la colaboración de todos. Y es que la sostenibilidad, la productividad y la satisfacción de los trabajadores están ... -
Oil spill response country profile : Dominican Republic
(2011)Oil spill response Dominican Republic profile; updated as of June, 2011: Focal points -- Organization of the response -- National contingency plan -- Response policy -- Risk assessment -- Equipment -- Exercises and training. ...