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AutorViehman, S.
AutorMills, D. K.
AutorMeichel, G. W.
AutorRichardson, L. L.
Fecha de admisión2025-02-04T00:40:58Z
Fecha disponible2025-02-04T00:40:58Z
CitaciónViehman, S., Mills, D. K., Meichel, G. W., & Richardson, L. L. (2006). Culture and identification of Desulfovibrio spp. from corals infected by black band disease on Dominican and Florida Keys reefs. Diseases of Aquatic organisms, 69(1), 119-127. Recuperado de:es
SinopsisBlack band disease (BBD) of corals is characterized as a pathogenic microbial consortium composed of a wide variety of microorganisms. Together, many of these microorganisms contribute to an active sulfur cycle that produces anoxia and high levels of sulfide adjacent to the coral surface, conditions that are lethal to coral tissue. Sulfate-reducing bacteria, as sulfide producers, are an important component of the sulfur cycle and the black band community. Previous molecular survey studies have shown multiple Desulfovibrio species present in BBD but with limited consistency between bacterial species and infections. In this study we compared 16S rRNA gene sequences of sulfate-reducing bacteria selectively cultured from 6 BBD bands on 4 coral species, Diploria clivosa, D. strigosa, D. labyrinthiformes, and Siderastrea siderea, in the Florida Keys and Dominica. The 16S rRNA gene sequences were obtained through direct sequencing of PCR products or by cloning. A BLAST search revealed that 8 out of 10 cultures sequenced were highly homologous to Desulfovibrio sp. strain TBP-1, a strain originally isolated from marine sediment. Although the remaining 2 sequences were less homologous to Desulfovibrio sp. strain TBP-1, they did not match any other sulfate-reducing (or other) species in
PublicadoDiseases of Aquatic organisms, 69(1), 119-127es
Derechos© 2006 Inter-Research. Available at:
MateriaArrecifes de corales
MateriaProblemas ambientaleses
TítuloCulture and identification of Desulfovibrio spp. from corals infected by black band disease on Dominican and Florida Keys reefses
Tipo de materialArticlees
Tipo de contenidoScientific researches
AudienciaTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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© 2006 Inter-Research. Available at:
© 2006 Inter-Research. Available at: