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LicenciaThis is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in anymedium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial
AutorLinsky, Jean
AutorCoffey, Emily E. D.
AutorBeech, Emily
AutorRivers, Malin
AutorCicuzza, Daniele
AutorOldfield, Sara
AutorCrowley, Dan
Fecha de admisión2024-06-03T21:37:19Z
Fecha disponible2024-06-03T21:37:19Z
CitaciónLinsky, J., Coffey, E. E., Beech, E., Rivers, M., Cicuzza, D., Oldfield, S., & Crowley, D. (2023). Assessing Magnoliaceae through time: major global efforts to track extinction risk status and ex situ conservation. Plants, People, Planet, 5(4), 496-501. Recuperado de:es
SinopsisComprehensive Red List assessments act as valuable resources for informing protected area designations, national protected species legislation and action strategies, and international biodiversity agreements, yet they are lacking for many plant families. Magnoliaceae is one of the most comprehensively assessed families, as coordinated efforts have taken place since 2007 to assess all species in the family. Due to the many efforts to assess these species, comparisons of the assessments and ex situ data over time and an investigation of the most recent (2021) information are essential to guiding the development of national, regional, and global conservation strategies for Magnoliaceae species in a time of increased global collaboration between conservation
PublicadoPlants, People, Planet, 5(4), 496-501es
Derechos© 2022 The Authors. Plants, People, Planet published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of New Phytologist
URI de derechos
MateriaHábitats y especieses
MateriaEspecies amenazadas o en peligro de extinciónes
MateriaGestión ambiental - Planificaciónes
MateriaGestión ambiental - Políticas y normases
MateriaÁreas protegidases
TítuloAssessing Magnoliaceae through time : major global efforts to track extinction risk status and ex situ conservationes
Tipo de materialArticlees
Tipo de contenidoScientific researches
AudienciaTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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This is an open access article under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial License, which permits use, distribution and reproduction in anymedium, provided the original work is properly cited and is not used for commercial purpose.
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© 2022 The Authors. Plants, People, Planet published by John Wiley & Sons Ltd on behalf of New Phytologist Foundation.