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AutorAnderson, Eric R.
AutorCherrington, Emil A.
AutorTremblay-Boyer, Laura
AutorFlores, Africa I.
AutorSempris, Emilio
Fecha de admisión2024-02-18T12:56:31Z
Fecha disponible2024-02-18T12:56:31Z
CitaciónAnderson, E. R., Cherrington, E. A., Tremblay-Boyer, L., Flores, A. I., & Sempris, E. (2008). Identifying critical areas for conservation: Biodiversity and climate change in central America, Mexico, and the Dominican Republic. Biodiversity, 9(3-4), 89-99. Recuperado de:es
SinopsisGiven the rapidity and intensity of anthropogenic impacts on natural systems, assessing the effectiveness of current protected areas in preserving biodiversity is especially important in Mesoamerica and the Caribbean, which contain a wide array of species and ecosystems. In light of the growing need to consider climate change in policymaking, combining climate change projections with biodiversity maps allows scientists and decision-makers to understand possible climate change impacts on biodiversity. In this study, we use GIS to identify spatial relationships between regional climate change models and species habitat ranges for Mesoamerica and the
PublicadoBiodiversity, 9(3-4), 89-99es
DerechosAvailable at:
MateriaCambio climáticoes
MateriaÁreas protegidases
MateriaConservación ambientales
MateriaGestión ambiental - Políticas y normases
TítuloIdentifying critical areas for conservation : biodiversity and climate change in Central America, Mexico, and the Dominican Republices
Tipo de materialArticlees
Tipo de contenidoScientific researches
AudienciaTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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