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AutorWoolaver, Lance G.
AutorNichols, Rina K.
AutorMorton, Eugene S.
AutorStutchbury, Bridget J. M.
Fecha de admisión2024-01-13T15:42:53Z
Fecha disponible2024-01-13T15:42:53Z
CitaciónWoolaver, L. G., Nichols, R. K., Morton, E. S., & Stutchbury, B. J. (2013). Population genetics and relatedness in a critically endangered island raptor, Ridgway’s Hawk Buteo ridgwayi. Conservation Genetics, 14, 559-571. Recuperado de:es
SinopsisMany island avian populations are of conservation interest because they have a higher risk of extinction than mainland populations. Susceptibility of island birds to extinction is primarily related to human induced change through habitat loss, persecution, and introduction of exotic species, in combination with genetic factors. We used microsatellite profiles from 11 loci to assess genetic diversity and relatedness in the critically endangered hawk Buteo ridgwayi endemic to the island of Hispaniola in the
PublicadoConservation Genetics, 14, 559-571es
Derechos© 2013, Springer Science Business Media Dordrecht. Available at:
MateriaBiodiversidad - República Dominicanaes
MateriaAves ─ República Dominicanaes
MateriaHábitats y especieses
MateriaEspecies amenazadas o en peligro de extinciónes
TítuloPopulation genetics and relatedness in a critically endangered island raptor, Ridgway's Hawk Buteo ridgwayies
Tipo de materialArticlees
Tipo de contenidoScientific researches
AudienciaTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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© 2013, Springer Science Business Media Dordrecht. Available at:
© 2013, Springer Science Business Media Dordrecht. Available at: