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AutorWoolaver, Lance G.
AutorNichols, Rina K.
AutorMorton, Eugene S.
AutorStutchbury, Bridget J. M.
Fecha de admisión2024-01-13T15:35:07Z
Fecha disponible2024-01-13T15:35:07Z
CitaciónWoolaver, L. G., Nichols, R. K., Morton, E. S., & Stutchbury, B. J. (2013). Social and genetic mating system of Ridgway's hawk (Buteo ridgwayi), an endemic raptor on Hispaniola. Journal of tropical ecology, 29(6), 531-540. Recuperado de:es
SinopsisPatterns of social organization and mating systems have been shown to be functions of ecological factors such as resource allocation and breeding density. In some species, particularly birds, social organization and genetic mating systems differ with molecular studies providing evidence of extra-pair young frequently occurring within broods of socially monogamous species. Here we examine the social and genetic mating system of an ecologically little-known forest raptor endemic to the island of Hispaniola in the
PublicadoJournal of tropical ecology, 29(6), 531-540es
Derechos© 2013, Cambridge University Press. Available at:
MateriaBiodiversidad - República Dominicanaes
MateriaAves ─ República Dominicanaes
MateriaHábitats y especieses
MateriaEspecies amenazadas o en peligro de extinciónes
TítuloSocial and genetic mating system of Ridgway's hawk (Buteo ridgwayi), an endemic raptor on Hispaniolaes
Tipo de materialArticlees
Tipo de contenidoScientific researches
AudienciaTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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