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AuthorCano Ortiz, Ana
AuthorMusarella, Carmelo María
AuthorQuinto Canas, Ricardo
AuthorPiñar Fuentes, José C.
AuthorPinto Gomes, Carlos J.
AuthorCano Carmona, Eusebio
Accessioned date2023-12-24T16:18:22Z
Available date2023-12-24T16:18:22Z
CitationOrtiz, A. C., Musarella, C. M., Canas, R. Q., Fuentes, J. C. P., Gomes, C. J. P., & Cano, E. (2019). The cloud forest in the Dominican Republic: diversity and conservation status. Biorxiv, 543892. Recuperado de:es
AbstractThe study of the forest in rainy environments of the Dominican Republic reveals the presence of four types of vegetation formations, clearly differentiated from each other in terms of their floristic and biogeographical composition, and also significantly different from the rainforests of Cuba. This leads us to propose two new alliances and four plant associations located in northern mountain areas exposed to moisture-laden winds from the Atlantic: All. Rondeletio ochraceae-Clusion roseae (Ass. Cyatheo furfuracei-Prestoetum motanae; Ass. Ormosio krugii-Prestoetum montanae); and All. Rondeletio ochraceae-Didymopanion tremuli (Ass. Hyeronimo montanae-Magnolietum pallescentis; Hyeronimo dominguensis-Magnolietum hamorii). Due to human activity, some areas are very poorly conserved, as evidenced by the diversity index and the presence of endemic tree and plant elements. The worst conserved in terms of the relationship between characteristic plants vegetation (cloud forest) in areas with high rainfall in the Dominican Republic, along with its floristic diversity and state of conservation. Thanks to this study it has been possible to significantly increase the botanical knowledge of this important
PublishedBiorxiv, 543892es
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SubjectRecursos naturales - República Dominicanaes
SubjectRecursos forestaleses
SubjectHábitats y especieses
TitleThe cloud forest in the Dominican Republic : diversity and conservation statuses
Material typeArticlees
Type of contentScientific researches
AudienceTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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