Sinopsis: | As with its global cousin, GEO-LAC aims to provide scientifically credible, policy-relevant, up-to-date assessment of, and outlook for, the state of the environment in Latin America and the Caribbean, using the GEO conceptual framework and process refined by UNEP over the past 12 years. In Latin America and the Caribbean, the regional focus was designed both to adapt the generalizations of the global assessment to the considerably different environmental, political, economic and cultural realities of the LAC region, and to support regional, national, local and thematically focused groups to use the same methods to assess their immediate concerns. As result, GEO analysts provide an impartial, scientifically sound analysis of the state of the environment, major impacts, drivers and options for action for decision makers and other regional actors concerned with the state of the environment. In addition, it analyses a number of possible scenarios.
Citación: | Carballido Gómez, A., Murillo Correa, M. A., Metternicht, G., & Granados, J. (2010). Latin America and Caribbean: environment outlook: GEO LAC 3: summary for decision makers. Panama City: UNEP Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean. Recuperado de