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LicenciaThis text may be reproduced wholly or in part as long as the source is duly
AutorCambers, Gillian
AutorChapman, Grace
AutorDiamond, Paul
AutorDown, Lorna
AutorGriffith, Anthony D.
AutorWiltshire, Winthrop
dc.contributor.editorMiura, Ushio
Fecha de admisión2023-10-30T18:39:14Z
Fecha disponible2023-10-30T18:39:14Z
CitaciónCambers, G. et al. (2008). Teachers' guide for education for sustainable development in the Caribbean. Santiago (Chile): UNESCO Regional Bureau of Education for Latin America and the Caribbean OREALC / UNESCO Santiago. Recuperado de:es
SinopsisThe book “Teachers’ Guide for Education for Sustainable Development in the Caribbean” signals the concretion of a joint collaboration effort of high-level researchers of the English-speaking Caribbean, the Regional Bureau for Education in Latin America and the Caribbean (UNESCO Santiago), the UNESCO Cluster in Kingston, and the financial cooperation of the Government of Japan. This book aims to integrate Education for sustainable development into the classroom practices of teachers, thus promoting the shaping of a fully committed, aware and informed citizenry, capable of creating a new world that is more equitable, environmentally oriented, and culturally and socially
PublicadoSantiago (Chile): UNESCO Regional Bureau of Education for Latin America and the Caribbean OREALC / UNESCO Santiagoes
URI de derechos
MateriaDesarrollo sosteniblees
TítuloTeachers' guide for education for sustainable development in the Caribbeanes
Tipo de materialBookes
Tipo de contenidoDidactic - Educational - Interactivees
Tipo de contenidoGuide - Handbookes
AudienciaTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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This text may be reproduced wholly or in part as long as the source is duly cited.
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