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AuthorFerrero, Pablo Alberto
Accessioned date2023-09-12T20:40:07Z
Available date2023-09-12T20:40:07Z
CitationFerrero, P. A. (2020). Connection with nature as an indicator for the Eco-Schools programme: development, test and evaluation of a survey-based tool for Spanish-speaking countries [master thesis]. Copenhagen, Denmark: University of Copenhagen. Recuperado de:es
Abstract[English] In this thesis, the main benefits from the connection with nature were identified, as well as a measurement tool identified, translated, and tested in Spanish-speaking countries participating in the Foundation for Environmental Education (FEE) Eco-Schools programme. An analysis of the potentials of this measurement tool and the Spanish speaking teachers view on the human-nature connection was executed, showing both positive and promising
Abstract[Spanish] En esta tesis, los principales beneficios de la conexión con la naturaleza han sido identificados, así también, una herramienta para medir la conexión con la naturaleza ha sido identificada, traducida y testeada en países hispanohablantes que participan en el programa Eco-Schools de la Fundación de Educación Ambiental (FEE en inglés). Un análisis de los potenciales de esta herramienta de medida, así como de la visión de los profesores hispanohablantes acerca de la conexión entre humanos y naturaleza fueron desempeñados, mostrando ambos resultados prometedores y
PublishedCopenhagen, Denmark: University of Copenhagenes
Rights© Pablo Alberto Ferrero; © University of Copenhagen. Available at:
SubjectEducación ambientales
SubjectDesarrollo sosteniblees
TitleConnection with nature as an indicator for the Eco-Schools programme : development, test and evaluation of a survey-based tool for Spanish-speaking countrieses
Material typeTextes
Type of contentThesises
AudienceTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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© Pablo Alberto Ferrero; © University of Copenhagen. Available at:
© Pablo Alberto Ferrero; © University of Copenhagen. Available at: