Now showing items 1-9 of 9
Guía para la restauración del bosque seco espinoso del Corredor Biológico La Florida: un modelo para la restauración de zonas áridas en la Española
Este documento fue elaborado por la organización dominicana, sin fines de lucro, Grupo Jaragua Inc. con el propósito de compartir las experiencias y lecciones aprendidas de diez años de trabajo en el campo en la restauración ...
Antología de la flora y fauna de Santo Domingo en cronistas y viajeros (siglos XV-XX)
Es un libro de carácter investigativo basado en una revisión de un profuso conjunto de fuentes bibliográficas que abarca seis siglos (del XV al XX) e incluye documentos escritos, informaciones y descripciones realizadas ...
Feeding strategies and diet variation in livebearing fishes of the genus Limia (Cyprinodontiformes: Poeciliidae) in the Greater Antilles
Feeding specialisations are known to play an important role in the ecology and evolution of many organisms. In this study, we performed a comparative analysis based
on the data of the gut content of eight species of the ...
Untangling intra-and interspecific effects on body size clines reveals divergent processes structuring convergent patterns in Anolis lizards
Bergmann’s rule—the tendency for body size to increase in colder environments—remains controversial today, despite 150 years of research. Considerable debate has revolved around whether the rule applies within or among ...
Parallel behavioral divergence with macrohabitat in Anolis (Squamata: dactyloidae) lizards from the Dominican Republic
The ecomorph concept of the adaptive radiation of Caribbean anoles is characterized by a suite of behavioral, ecological, and morphological traits that are tightly linked to microhabitat use in lizards. However, most studies ...
Ecological opportunity from innovation, not islands, drove the anole lizard adaptive radiation
Islands are thought to facilitate adaptive radiation by providing release from competition and predation. Anole lizards are considered a classic example of this phenomenon: different ecological specialists ("ecomorphs") ...
Climate and season are associated with prevalence and distribution of trans-hemispheric blue crab reovirus (Callinectes sapidus reovirus 1)
Among the many Callinectes spp. across the western Atlantic, the blue crab C. sapidus has the broadest latitudinal distribution, encompassing both tropical and temperate climates. Its life history varies latitudinally, ...
The multidimensional (and contrasting) effects of environmental warming on a group of montane tropical lizards
Mountains are cradles for biodiversity and crucibles for climate-driven species loss, particularly for tropical ectotherms. Constriction on activity and amplified heat stress are two key sources of warming-driven vulnerability ...
Insularidad, anolis, ecología y evolución
Este texto analiza los trabajos de zoogeografía que se han realizado en islas, debiddo a su extensión y faunas limitadas y mayor probabilidad de separar los diversos factores que afectan la distribución de los animales. ...