Now showing items 1-4 of 4
The herpetogeography of Hispaniola, West Indies
The modern West Indian island of Hispaniola is in actuality a fusion of two formerly separate islands, each of which presumably supported a distinctive herpetofauna. With the union of these two paleoislands, there has been ...
On the diet of the boa Epicrates striatus on Hispaniola, with notes on E. fordi and E. gracilis
The stomach contents of 214 specimens of Hispaniolan Epicrates (Serpentes: Boidae) were examined for prey remains...The diet of E. striatus would have gradually shifted from native to introduced mammals, and by the early ...
Guía para la identificación de los anfibios y réptiles de la Hispaniola
Esta guía es de gran importancia y utilidad para especialistas y aficionados de la identificación de anfibios y reptiles de la Hispaniola y de la región del Caribe. Desde el año 1941, en el que Doris M. Cochran publicara ...
Hispaniolan giant Diploglossus (Sauria: Anguidae): description of a new species and notes on the ecology of D. warreni
A third giant species of Diploglossus,D. carraui, is described from north-central República Dominicana. Comparisons between this species and D. warrenifrom Haiti and D. anelpistusfrom south-central República Dominicana are ...