Now showing items 1-10 of 96
Plantas de interés apícola en el paisaje : observaciones de campo y la percepción de apicultores en República Dominicana
[Español] Durante aproximadamente un año, se realizaron observaciones de visitas de abejas en plantas en las zonas de infuencia de tres apiarios, ubicados en diferentes zonas climáticas de la parte norte de la República ...
Apicultura y conservación de la biodiversidad en el Caribe —muchos intereses convergentes y algunos divergentes—, estudio de caso : República Dominicana
[Español] En el Caribe, una parte importante de los recursos florales aprovechados por las abejas proviene de la vegetación natural y sus remanentes. Dada la tendencia de que los paisajes bajo influencia agropecuaria se ...
The Caribbean Magnolia species (Magnoliaceae) : assessment of the genetic diversity and the underlying evolutionary history
This PhD thesis discusses the importance of conserving the genus Magnolia, particularly in the Americas, where most of the diversity of the genus is found. Magnolia trees provide a range of services, including cultural ...
A checklist of marine plants and animals of the south coast of the Dominican Republic
A research cruise to the South Coast of the Dominican Republic was conducted 14-22 May 1979 by the Department of Marine Sciences in cooperation with Centro de Investigaciones de Biologia Marina de la Universidad Autonoma ...
Biogeographical areas of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic, Republic of Haiti)
[English] The island of Hispaniola is located between parallels 17 and 19 N and forms part of the Greater Antilles group in the Caribbean region. It covers an area of 76,484 km2 and has the highest altitudes in the whole ...
Phytosociological study, diversity and conservation status of the cloud forest in the Dominican Republic
The study of the forest in rainy environments of the Dominican Republic reveals the presence of four types of vegetation formations, clearly differentiated from each other in terms of their floristic and biogeographical ...
Two new ferns from the Dominican Republic
An additional lot of ferns received on loan from the Berlin Botanical Museum includes two new species, which are described herewith. One of these, represented by an identical specimen in the U. S. National Herbarium, had ...
New or noteworthy ferns from the Dominican Republic
In an earlier paper, this author dealt briefly with an interesting collection of ferns obtained by Dr. W. L. Abbott in the northeastern part of the Dominican Republic from November, 1920, to May, 1921, describing a new ...
New plants from the Dominican Republic
The new species described in this paper are based upon material collected by Dr. W. L. Abbott in the early part of 1922. Prior to 1920 only a small proportion of the plants known to occur in the Dominican Republic were ...
Studies in Aristolochia (Aristolochiaceae) of Hispaniola
A review of the literature at large and the field photographic record of the senior author of this study indicate that there are several undescribed species of Aristolochia in Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti), ...