Now showing items 1-10 of 72
A winter distribution model for Bicknell’s Thrush (Catharus bicknelli), a conservation tool for a threatened migratory songbird
Conservation planning and implementation require identifying pertinent habitats and locations where protection and management may improve viability of targeted species. The winter range of Bicknell’s Thrush (Catharus ...
A scuticociliate causes mass mortality of Diadema antillarum in the Caribbean Sea
Echinoderm mass mortality events shape marine ecosystems by altering the dynamics among major benthic groups. The sea urchin Diadema antillarum, virtually extirpated in the Caribbean in the early 1980s by an unknown cause, ...
Adaptation and sustainable management of massive influx of Sargassum in the Caribbean
The massive influx of sargassum is a problem that affects several countries in Africa and the Caribbean. Even though a decade has passed since the first event, an integrated management and adaptation strategy for this ...
Human perceptions regarding endangered species conservation: a case study of Saona Island, Dominican Republic
[English] Globally, human populations have caused increased demands on natural resources and the endangerment of numerous species, particularly on oceanic islands with limited resources. In such cases, attitudes and ...
Community-led monitoring of threatened species in the Dominican Republic
Since 1996, Grupo Jaragua has been conducting wildlife monitoring studies, first in Jaragua National Park (Dominican Republic), and later expanding to the Jaragua-Enriquillo Biosphere Reserve (which includes Jaragua NP). ...
Stable isotopes reveal seasonal dietary responses to agroforestry in a venomous mammal, the Hispaniolan solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus)
While trends in tropical deforestation are alarming, conservation biologists are increasingly recognizing the potential for species survival in human-modified landscapes. Identifying the factors underlying such persistence, ...
Evaluating the importance of marine protected areas for the conservation of hawksbill turtles Eretmochelys imbricata nesting in the Dominican Republic
Understanding spatial and temporal habitat-use patterns to protect both foraging and breeding grounds of species of concern is crucial for successful conservation. Saona Island in Del Este National Park (DENP), south-eastern ...
Breeding behavior of the endangered Hispaniolan Crossbill (Loxia megaplaga)
[English] The Hispaniolan White-winged Crossbill (Loxia leucoptera megaplaga), which is considered here as a full-species (Hispaniolan Crossbill, L. megaplaga), is endemic to Haiti and the Dominican Republic where it is ...
Solenodon paradoxus, Hispaniolan Solenodon
Artículo que resume los resultados de una evaluación sobre el estado de conservación del Solenodonte de la Hispaniola (Solenodon paradoxus) publicado en la «Lista Roja de Especies Amenazadas» de la Unión Internacional para ...
Sites for priority biodiversity conservation in the Caribbean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot
The Caribbean Islands Biodiversity Hotspot is exceptionally important for global biodiversity conservation due to high levels of species endemism and threat. A total of 755 Caribbean plant and vertebrate species ...