Now showing items 1-10 of 38
Plantas de interés apícola en el paisaje : observaciones de campo y la percepción de apicultores en República Dominicana
[Español] Durante aproximadamente un año, se realizaron observaciones de visitas de abejas en plantas en las zonas de infuencia de tres apiarios, ubicados en diferentes zonas climáticas de la parte norte de la República ...
Algas marinas bentónicas (Rhodophyta, Phaeophyta y Chlorophyta) conocidas para la Hispaniola
[Español] Este trabajo resume y actualiza, desde una perspectiva insular y con un enfoque histórico, el conocimiento de la biodiversidad de las macroalgas marinas bentónicas de la Hispaniola, teniendo en cuenta los últimos ...
Global plant ecology of tropical ultramafic ecosystems
[Español] Los ecosistemas ultramáficos son reconocidos por su endemismo y especialización del hábitat. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de nuestra comprensión de la ecología vegetal ultramáfica proviene de climas mediterráneos ...
The genus Agaricus in the Caribbean. Nine new taxa mostly based on collections from the Dominican Republic
Field collections of Agaricus were collected in the Dominican Republic from 2009–2016 with the intent to evaluate the diversity in this genus, which was quasi-unknown in this country. In the same period, studies on tropical ...
Tylopilus griseiolivaceus sp. nov. and T. leucomycelinus (Boletaceae) revisited from the Dominican Republic within a comprehensive phylogeny of Tylopilus s. str.
The genus Tylopilus s. str. in the Dominican Republic is investigated. Tylopilus griseiolivaceus is introduced as a novel species based on material recorded in a neotropical montane pine woodland but also known to occur ...
Neoboletus antillanus sp. nov. (Boletaceae), first report of a red-pored bolete from the Dominican Republic and insights on the genus Neoboletus
Neoboletusantillanussp. nov. appears to be the only red-pored bolete known from the Dominican Republic to date. It is reported as a novel species to science based on collections gathered in a neotropical lowland mixed ...
Boletes from Belize and the Dominican Republic
This paper presents results of surveys of stipitate-pileate Boletales in Belize and the Dominican Republic. A key to the Boletales from Belize and the Dominican Republic is provided, followed by descriptions, drawings of ...
New species of Amanita from the Dominican Republica, Greater Antilles
Three new species of Amanita are described from the Dominican Republic on the island of Hispaniola. One of the new species is in subgenus Lepidella section Amidella and two are in subgenus Amanita. One of the latter two ...
Cytospora rhizophorae Kohlm. & E. Kohlm (Valsaceae, Ascomycota) en la República Dominicana
[Español] Cytospora rhizophorae es un hongo patógeno y causa la muerte regresiva del mangle. Los cuerpos fructíferos son de color amarillo anaranjado, y requiere de una herida para infectar el huésped. Esta especie está ...
Mycena sect. Hygrocyboideae in the mountains of the Dominican Republic
A collection of Mycena epipterygia from montane cloud forest in the Dominican Republic was found to have one-fourth to one-half monosporous basidia mixed with bisporous basidia. It is described as a new variety, M. epipterygia ...