Now showing items 1-10 of 22
Bioclimatic map of the Dominican Republic
The location of the Dominican Republic between parallels 17° and 19° north means it has a tropical macroclimate. The Dominican Republic and the Republic of Haiti belong to the island of Hispaniola, which has three bioclimates: ...
La naturaleza dominicana : artículos publicados en el suplemento sabatino del periódico El Caribe (1978-1989). 5 : dunas, formaciones geológicas, orografía, volcanes
Este libro forma parte de una obra de seis volúmenes que reúne artículos escritos por Félix Servio Ducoudray Mansfield sobre la naturaleza dominicana, que fueron publicados en el suplemento sabatino del periódico El Caribe ...
Navigating social-ecological trade-offs in small-scale fisheries management : an agent-based population model of stoplight parrotfish (Sparisoma viride) for a Caribbean coral reef fishery
Parrotfish (family Scaridae) consume macroalgae, an essential process for sustaining the ecological health of coral reefs. They have become fisheries targets in several Caribbean locations, a practice that provisions food ...
Changing ecological communities along an elevation gradient in seasonally dry tropical forest on Hispaniola (Sierra Martín García, Dominican Republic)
[English] We report the results of systematic vascular plant and bird surveys in Seasonally
Dry Tropical Forest (SDTF) across leeward and windward elevation gradients (31–
884 masl) in the Sierra Martín García (SMG), ...
Biogeografía de la sección Cymbostemon (Illicium, Schisandraceae) en el Nuevo Mundo
[Español] Illicium es un genero de la familia Schisandraceae (Angiospermas Basales), nativo del Sudeste Asiático, del Viejo Mundo, las Indias Occidentales, el Caribe mexicano y el sudeste de Estados Unidos, en el Nuevo ...
Guía para la restauración del bosque seco espinoso del Corredor Biológico La Florida: un modelo para la restauración de zonas áridas en la Española
Este documento fue elaborado por la organización dominicana, sin fines de lucro, Grupo Jaragua Inc. con el propósito de compartir las experiencias y lecciones aprendidas de diez años de trabajo en el campo en la restauración ...
Benefits of biodiverse marine resources to child nutrition in differing developmental contexts in Hispaniola
There is an urgent need for an improved empirical understanding of the relationship among biodiverse marine resources, human health and development outcomes. Coral reefs are often at this intersection for developing nations ...
Coastal-hinterland exchange and garden hunting practices prior to the European invasion of Hispaniola
This study analyses zooarchaeological material recovered from the late precolumbian site of El Flaco (AD 990–1450), northern Dominican Republic. The faunal assemblage from this inland settlement demonstrates terrestrially ...
On the relationship among birds and Trema micrantha in montane forests of Hispaniola
[English] Avian frugivores are of great interest to ecologists because they play an important role in ecosystem functioning, and can serve as important components in habitat restoration. In the Neotropics, observational ...
Plant community associations with morpho-topographic, geological and land use attributes in a semi-deciduous tropical forest of the Dominican Republic
Despite being increasingly threatened by human-induced disturbances, dry forests remain the least studied and protected forest types in the Caribbean region. In contrast to many other forest systems in the world, we have ...