Now showing items 1-10 of 45
Approach to the functional importance of Acropora cervicornis in outplanting sites in the Dominican Republic
Coral restoration has been recognized as an increasingly important tool for coral conservation in recent years. In the Caribbean, the endangered staghorn coral, Acropora cervicornis has been studied for restoration for ...
Assessing and genotyping threatened staghorn coral Acropora cervicornis nurseries during restoration in southeast Dominican Republic
Acropora cervicornis is a structurally and functionally important Caribbean coral species. Since the 1980s, it has suffered drastic population losses with no signs of recovery and has been classified as a critically ...
A social-ecological approach to studying variation in urban trees and ecosystem services in the National Municipal District of Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
[English] Maintaining a diverse urban forest that provides ecosystem services can promote urban sustainability and resilience to environmental change. Around the world, cities have taken to inventorying their urban trees ...
Changing ecosystems and their services
[English] Changing Ecosystems and their Services provides a very interesting account of the frontiers of biodiversity and ecological research. It consists of seven chapters covering mass extinctions: the "Big Five" and ...
Depredación de Gymnophthalmus underwoodi (Squamata: Gymnophthalmidae) por Turdus plumbeus (Passeriformes: Turdidae) en República Dominicana
[Español] Se registra el primer caso de depredación de la lagartija introducida Gymnophthalmus underwoodi por el zorzal de patas rojas, Turdus plumbeus en República Dominicana.
The transformation of Caribbean coral communities since humans
The mass die-off of Caribbean corals has transformed many of this region’s reefs to macroalgal-dominated habitats since systematic monitoring began in the 1970s. Although attributed to a combination of local and global ...
Nota editorial del vol. 68, núm. 1 (2022) de AULA, Revista de humanidades y ciencias sociales [UNPHU, ISSN: 2636-2236] dedicado al tema de los océanos, los arrecifes de coral y su impacto en la sociedad.
La pesca de organismos marinos ornamentales y su impacto en los arrecifes de coral
[Español] La pesca con fines ornamentales comienza la Republica Dominicana en la década de los 80. El país se consolida como un exportador mediano de especies marinas destinadas al comercio de acuarios recreativos, exportando ...
Importancia de los viveros de coral y su impacto socioeconómico
[Español] Desde el 2004, en la República Dominicana se ha impulsado la restauración de ecosistemas marinos mediante este método y se ha llegado a ver cómo estas acciones han afectado positivamente a las comunidades costeras ...
Global plant ecology of tropical ultramafic ecosystems
[Español] Los ecosistemas ultramáficos son reconocidos por su endemismo y especialización del hábitat. Sin embargo, la mayor parte de nuestra comprensión de la ecología vegetal ultramáfica proviene de climas mediterráneos ...