Now showing items 1-10 of 113
Rational management of tropical dry forest with the people at the centre of the Project Azua, Dominican Republic
Since January 1999, the rural regional development project ‘Bosque Seco’ (Rational Management of Tropical Dry Forest) in the Southwest of the Dominican Republic is in its follow-up phase. The objective of the project was ...
Forest baseline and deforestation map of the Dominican Republic through the analysis of time series of MODIS data
Deforestation is one of the major threats to habitats in the Dominican Republic. In this work we present a forest baseline for the year 2000 and a deforestation map for the year 2011. Maps were derived from Moderate ...
Caracterización de la variabilidad de poblaciones de Pinus occidentalis Swartz en la República Dominicana mediante el empleo de técnicas morfoanatómicas y moleculares
Esta tesis doctoral está centrada en el estudio del pino criollo (Pinus occidentalis Swartz), la especie más importante y representativa del ecosistema forestal dominicano, tanto desde el punto de vista medioambiental como ...
Forest change within and outside protected areas in the Dominican Republic, 2000-2016
[English] We used Landsat-based estimates of tree cover change to document the loss and gain of forest in the Dominican Republic between 2000 and 2016. Overall, 2,795 km2 of forest were lost, with forest gain occurring on ...
Forest loss and fire in the Dominican Republic during the 21st Century
[English] [Preprint] We used Landsat-based estimates of tree cover change to document the loss and gain of forest in the Dominican Republic between 2000 and 2016. Overall, 2,795 km 2 of forest were lost, with forest gain ...
Fire history along environmental gradients in the subtropical pine forests of the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic
[English] Fire history was reconstructed from fire-scarred individuals of the endemic pine (Pinus occidentalis) along climatic gradients in the Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic.
Patterns of growth, recruitment, mortality and biomass across an altitudinal gradient in a neotropical montane forest, Dominican Republic
[English] We examined stand dynamics and biomass along an altitudinal gradient in a tropical montane forest (TMF) in the disturbance-prone Cordillera Central, Dominican Republic. We tested the general hypothesis that chronic ...
Natural regeneration of subtropical montane forest after clearing fern thickets in the Dominican Republic
[English] Tropical forests can recover after anthropogenic disturbances of light to moderate intensity; however, severe disturbances (e.g. compaction or loss of soil) often result in conditions that prevent forest recovery. ...
Informe sobre evaluación del incendio forestal en el Parque Nacional Valle Nuevo
Este informe contiene los resultados de una evaluación para determinar las afectaciones y grado de severidad de las áreas afectadas por el incendio forestal ocurrido en el Parque Nacional Valle Nuevo en el año 2014. El ...
Cambios en la cobertura boscosa del bosque nublado en la Sierra de Neiba, República Dominicana
[Español] La Sierra de Neiba es un área de gran relevancia para la conservación de la biodiversidad, por la particularidad de sus ecosistemas, flora y fauna. El Parque Nacional Sierra de Neiba se creó para conservar el ...