Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • An assessment of priority issues and capacity for conservation action of Caribbean endemic and threatened bird species 

      Nelson, Howard P.; Ewert, David N.; Hulme, Mark; Lebbin, Daniel J.; Mortensen, Jennifer; Robertson, Holly; Rusk, Bonnie; Sorenson, Lisa; Haynes-Sutton, Ann M.; Tossas, Adrianne; Upgren, Amy; Wallace, George E.; Wilson, Maya; Devenish-Nelson, Eleanor S. (2024)
      Abstract: Despite decades of conservation effort, Caribbean endemic and threatened bird species continue to decline and many are Critically Endangered. In 2022, the BirdsCaribbean Endemic and Threatened Species Working ...
    • First satellite tracks of the Endangered black-capped petrel 

      Jodice, Patrick G. R.; Ronconi, Robert A.; Rupp, Ernst; Wallace, George E.; Satgé, Yvan (2015)
      The black-capped petrel Pterodroma hasitata is an endangered seabird with fewer than 2000 breeding pairs restricted to a few breeding sites in Haiti and the Dominican Republic. To date, use areas at sea have been determined ...