Now showing items 11-20 of 33
Important bird areas in the Caribbean : key sites for conservation : Dominican Republic
The aim of this publication is simple: in a rational, scientifically robust way, it puts the spotlight on a Caribbean network of internationally important biodiversity sites "Important Bird Areas" (IBAs). In a region that ...
Estado de conservación y utilidad del guano barrigón, Coccothrinax spissa Bailey (Arecaceae), especie endémica de la República Dominicana
El Jardín Botánico Nacional de Santo Domingo, con el apoyo financiero del Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Agropecuarias y Forestales, está ejecutando un proyecto sobre cuatro palmas autóctonas amenazadas, entre las ...
Advances in the knowledge of the vegetation of Hispaniola (Caribbean Central America)
The vegetation types and floristic diversity in the Dominican Republic are analysed, a territory with a tropical climate and ombrotypes that range from dry to humid-hyperhumid, due to the Atlantic winds and the phenomenon ...
Observations on the habitat and ecology of the Hispaniolan solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus) in the Dominican Republic
The habitat of the Hispaniolan Solenodon (Solenodon paradoxus) was investigated in the Dominican Republic in relation to particular environmental parameters (geomorphology, geologicalstructure, soil type, elevation, life ...
Establishment of biogeographic areas by distributing endemic flora and habitats (Dominican Republic, Haiti R.)
Despite the large number of botanical studies conducted on the flora of the Island of Hispaniola, some of which adopted a floristic or physiognomical approach with a phytosociological methodology, only few have adopted ...
Comunidades y actores sociales en áreas marinas protegidas del Caribe (México, Cuba y República Dominicana)
Este capítulo sobre comunidades y actores sociales en Áreas Marinas Protegidas (AMP) presenta los resultados de una investigación realizada sobre el manejo de recursos costeros en el Caribe desde una perspectiva etnográfica ...
Communities and stakeholders in marine protected areas in the Caribbean
This chapter on communities and stakeholders in marine protected areas (MPAs) presents the results of research into Caribbean coastal resource management from an ethnographic and a pan-Caribbean perspective. Three case ...
Status and trends of coral reefs of the Caribbean region
Content: 1. Geographic information and context -- 2. Summary of data contributed to this report -- 3. Status of coral reefs in the Caribbean region -- 4. Subregional trends in the cover of live hard coral and algae within ...
The origin of West Indian amphibians and reptiles
The known West Indian herpetofauna is comprised of 175 species of amphibians (99% endemic) and 457 species of reptiles (93% endemic). Informaation on distributions, relationships, and times of origin, with emphasis on ...
Cambio climático y opinión pública en América Latina
En este artículo se examina cómo se posicionan los ciudadanos de América Latina frente al cambio climático, cuáles son los determinantes de la opinión pública, y qué semejanzas y diferencias de percepción existen entre los ...