Now showing items 11-17 of 17
Lista de especies de quitones (Mollusca: Polyplacophora) conocidas para la Hispaniola
[Español] El presente trabajo ofrece una lista con 23 especies de quitones conocidas para la isla Hispaniola. Para República Dominicana, esta compilación actualiza el último inventario nacional de la biodiversidad marina ...
Especie nueva de Coelioxys (Hymenoptera: Apoidea: Megachilidae) para La Hispaniola
[Español] Se describe una especie nueva de Coelioxys, subgénero Cyrtocoelioxys, para la Hispaniola. Esta constituye la segunda especie del género conocida para la isla. Esta especie está muy relacionada con C. alayoi Genaro, ...
A revision of the green Anoles of Hispaniola with description of eight new species (Reptilia, Squamata, Dactyloidae)
[English] We revise the species of green anoles (i.e., the species related to Anolis aliniger, A. chlorocyanus, and A. coelestinus) occuring on Hispaniola.
Hylid tadpoles from the Caribbean island of Hispaniola : ontogeny, description and comparison of external morphology
[English] The island of Hispaniola (Dominican Republic and Haiti) is home to four endemic species of treefrogs: Hypsiboas heilprini, Osteopilus dominicensis, O. pulchrilineatus and O. vastus. These species occur sympatrically ...
Vicariance and dispersal in Caribbean biogeography
The species diversity and phylogenetic relationships of West Indian vertebrates are incompletely known, but several lines of evidence support a dispersal origin for most of the fauna. Crother and Guyer have contested much ...
American Crocodile Crocodylus acutus
The American crocodile is the most widely distributed of the New World crocodiles, ranging from the southern tip of Florida, along both the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of southern Mexico, Central America, and northern South ...
The rediscovery of a semi-slug : Coloniconcha prima Pilsbry, 1933 (Gastropoda, Pleurodontidae) from Hispaniola
The semi-slug Coloniconcha prima Pilsbry, 1933 is redescribed and its anatomy is described for the first time. The taxonomic position of this species within the Pleurodontidae is being discussed.