Now showing items 1-10 of 13
Guía informativa sobre especies costeras y marinas reguladas para negocios de turismo y tiendas de regalo (gift shops)
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Esta guía, en formato de infografía o afiche, ha sido especialmente diseñada para uso de los negocios de turismo y tiendas de regalo (gift shops) de la República Dominicana como herramienta educativa sobre las normativas ...
Informative guide on coastal and marine species regulated for tourism businesses and gift shops
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This guide has been designed for the use of tourism businesses and gift shops as an educational tool about the the current regulations on coastal and marine species protection in the Dominican Republic. It describes its ...
CCORAL : Caribbean Climate Online Risk and Adaptation TooL [infographic]
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The Caribbean Climate Online Risk and Adaptation TooL – CCORAL – is an online support system for climate-resilient decision-making.
¡Enfrentemos la crisis del agua en la República Dominicana!
El agua es un recurso limitado e insustituible, clave para el desarrollo socioeconómico de cualquier nación. Más aún, el acceso al agua es un derecho humano fundamental reconocido internacionalmente, plasmado en la ...
Regional guidelines for the formulation and implementation of policies against drought : formulation of drought management policies that strengthen capacities and facilitate participatory cooperation of SICA countries
Based on the findings of the 2020 workshops, in 2021 the Central American Commission for
Environment and Development (CCAD) developed regional guidelines for the formulation and implementation of drought management policies. ...
Calendario de veda de especies acuáticas de la República Dominicana
Esta es una guía esencial para pescadores y conservacionistas que detalla los períodos de veda para las diversas especies de peces y mariscos en aguas de la República Dominicana. Este recurso crucial promueve la preservación ...
What is the benefit of a health national adaptation (HNAP) plan?
Infographic from the series "Empowering Caribbean Action for Climate and Health".
Water / sanitation safety : What are the climate-related impacts on water and sanitation?
Infographic from the series "Empowering Caribbean Action for Climate and Health".
Climate change leadership through the implementation of the One Health approach
Infographic from the series "Empowering Caribbean Action for Climate and Health".
What is climate's impact on vulnerable populations? (like the elderly, youth and indigenous populations)
Infographic from the series "Empowering Caribbean Action for Climate and Health".