Now showing items 1156-1160 of 5079

    • Proyecto de Plan de Manejo de Cuenca del Río Yuna 

      Damais, Gilles; Salazar, Lina; Suárez, Ginés; Santos, Luis de los; Chávez, Elizabeth; Lefevre, Benoit; Kirkagacli, Romina; Garza, Miriam; Castillo, Awilda; Encarnación, Yonaida; Pérez, Sergio; Villanueva, María Teresa; Langstroth, Robert; Romero, Laura; Porta, Raimon; Archambault, Aude; Dobrzynski, Esteban de (2023)
      El objetivo general de este proyecto es contribuir con la seguridad alimentaria y la resiliencia al cambio climático de la cuenca del río Yuna en República Dominicana. Los objetivos específicos son: (i) fortalecer la ...
    • Water budget analyses for the Yuna River watershed and Samaná Bay 

      FitzHugh, Tom (2006)
      A series of different analyses were conducted to characterize the freshwater budget of Samana Bay, in order to understand the sources of water entering the bay and the potential impacts on flows into the bay of human water ...
    • Managing freshwater inflows to estuaries : Project Yuna River Basin : phase II 

      Medina, J.; Ortiz, A.; Núñez, F. (2004)
      This hydrological evaluation of the high and medium basin of the Yuna River was financed by The Nature Conservancy as part of a series of activities named “Yuna Basin Project”. The purpose of the study is assessing the ...
    • Síntesis de información biofísica histórica de la región de Samaná (draft) 

      Herrera-Moreno, Alejandro (2005)
      El presente reporte es parte de la consultoría efectuada por el Centro para la Conservación y Ecodesarrollo de la Bahía de Samaná y su Entorno, CEBSE, Inc. con el interés de lograr una síntesis de información física, ...
    • Yuna River hydrologic characterization 

      Warner, A. (2005)
      This write-up summarizes a coarse hydrologic characterization of the Yuna River and tributaries and is to be combined with a water budget and ecological summary of the Yuna River watershed and associated Samana Bay system. ...