Mostrando ítems 1126-1130 de 5079

    • Endemic bird of the day : Green-tailed Warbler 

      BirdsCaribbean (2022)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 103 poster, dedicated to the Green-tailed Warbler. This bird has an understated beauty, without bright colors or a melodious song. This small, somewhat secretive, bird is an endemic ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Bay-breasted Cuckoo 

      BirdsCaribbean (2022)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 94 poster, dedicated to the Bay-breasted Cuckoo. Imagine a half-meter long, dusky gray bird with reddish-brown breast, throat, and wing patch, peach-colored pantaloons and belly, ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Eastern Chat-Tanager 

      BirdsCaribbean (2022)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 89 poster, dedicated to the Eastern Chat-Tanager. If you find yourself birding on the high elevation mountain forests of Cordillera Central, Sierra de Neiba, and Bahoruco Oriental, ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Broad-billed Tody 

      BirdsCaribbean (2022)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 83 poster, dedicated to the Broad-billed Tody. Who’s that beep-beeping in your Dominican yard?? It’s the Broad-billed Tody! The Broad-billed Tody looks similar to the other todies ...
    • Endemic bird of the day : Pearly-eyed Thrasher 

      BirdsCaribbean (2022)
      Caribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 81 poster, dedicated to the Meet the Pearly-eyed Thrasher. This belligerent and highly intelligent bird is found throughout many islands in the Caribbean basin, including The ...