Mostrando ítems 1061-1065 de 5079

    • Reportes del camarón tigre (Penaeus monodon) en la pesca artesanal de Sánchez, Bahía de Samaná, República Dominicana 

      Beltré-Díaz, Marcia J.; Giménez-Hurtado, Enrique; Galán, Jesús; Montero-Fortunato, Enmanuel; Mateo, Jeannette (2023)
      Resumen: El Penaeus monodon, es un camarón que fue introducido en República. Dominicana en 1985 por el proyecto “Isabel Acuacultura”, costa atlántica del país y de ésta en 1992 al “Proyecto Piloto de Camarones Marinos” ...
    • Preliminary checklist of mollusks associated with the rocky littoral of Malecón de Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic 

      Álvarez-Abreu, Oniel; Mateo, Sara (2024)
      Abstract: A preliminary checklist of the mollusks associated with the rocky littoral of Malecón de Santo Domingo is presented. The sampling consisted of an intensive search by niches in two localities selected on the basis ...
    • Novitates Caribaea núm. 23 

      Museo Nacional de Historia Natural “Prof. Eugenio de Jesús Marcano” (editores) (2024)
      Artículos destacados de este número: Listado preliminar de los moluscos asociados al litoral rocoso del Malecón de Santo Domingo, República Dominicana.
    • Hispaniolan Crossbill crossword 

      BirdsCaribbean (2021)
      FOR KIDS: How much do you know now about the Hispaniolan Crossbill? Test your knowledge with our crossbill crossword puzzle! All about this bird, where is lives, what it eats, and its behavior. Try to remember as much as ...
    • Hispaniolan Pewee maze 

      BirdsCaribbean (2021)
      FOR KIDS: The Hispaniolan Pewee is a type of flycatcher, but that doesn’t mean that they only catch and eat flies! Their diet will include many different types of flying insects. Moths make a delicious meal for a Hispaniolan ...