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LicenseCreative Commons (CC) BY-NC-ND. [Español] Debe reconocer adecuadamente la autoría citando adecuadamente esta fuente. No se permite la generación de obras derivadas ni hacer un uso comercial de la obra original. [English] You must give appropriate credit to the authors properly citing this source. You may not use this document for commercial purposes. The generation or distribution of derivative works is not
AuthorFernández, Eladio
ContributorFernández, Eladio (director y productor)
ContributorEsteva, Pedro (director ejecutivo)
ContributorCabrera, Sebastián
ContributorAcosta, Rosaly (edición y posproducción)
Accessioned date2022-05-05T01:32:28Z
Available date2022-05-05T01:32:28Z
CitationFernández, E. (2018). Aristolochias of Haiti [video]. Santo Domingo: IMCA - CATes
AbstractEladio Fernández, Dominican conservation photographer, goes to Haiti on an expedition to find a new species of Aristolochia (pipe vine) and another that had not been seen for 90 years. (9 min.)es
PublishedSanto Domingo: IMCA - CATes
Rights© Eladio Fernández. Todos los derechos
Rights URI
SubjectHábitats y especieses
TitleAristolochias of Haities
Material typeVideoes
Type of contentDocumentaryes

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Creative Commons (CC) BY-NC-ND. [Español] Debe reconocer adecuadamente la autoría citando adecuadamente esta fuente. No se permite la generación de obras derivadas ni hacer un uso comercial de la obra original. [English] You must give appropriate credit to the authors properly citing this source. You may not use this document for commercial purposes. The generation or distribution of derivative works is not allowed.
Access and downloading this document are subject to this license: Creative Commons (CC) BY-NC-ND. [Español] Debe reconocer adecuadamente la autoría citando adecuadamente esta fuente. No se permite la generación de obras derivadas ni hacer un uso comercial de la obra original. [English] You must give appropriate credit to the authors properly citing this source. You may not use this document for commercial purposes. The generation or distribution of derivative works is not allowed.
© Eladio Fernández. Todos los derechos reservados.