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LicenciaCreative Commons (CC) BY-NC-ND. [Español] Debe reconocer adecuadamente la autoría citando adecuadamente esta fuente. No se permite la generación de obras derivadas ni hacer un uso comercial de la obra original. [English] You must give appropriate credit to the authors properly citing this source. You may not use this document for commercial purposes. The generation or distribution of derivative works is not
AutorFundación Grupo Puntacana
Fecha de admisión2022-03-01T23:47:31Z
Fecha disponible2022-03-01T23:47:31Z
CitaciónFundación Grupo Puntacana (2017). Hope spot in the Caribbean: evidence of coral restoration success in the Dominican Republic. Punta Cana: Fundación Grupo Puntacanaes
SinopsisIn the last several decades, the Caribbean has experienced widespread coral reef degradation. However, the work of Fundación Grupo Puntacana and its partners has helped create a “Hope Spot” in the eastern Dominican Republic. In 2016, for example, biologists documented sexual spawning of staghorn corals off the coast of Punta Cana for the first time ever. These corals had been transplanted as part of the Partnership for Ecologically Sustainable Coastal Areas (PESCA), a comprehensive program for the protection and restoration of the region’s coastal areas, which includes the Foundations’ coral restoration program that has spanned over a
PublicadoPunta Cana: Fundación Grupo Puntacanaes
Derechos© Fundación Grupo Puntacana. Todos los derechos
URI de derechos
MateriaConservación ambientales
MateriaRecursos marinoses
MateriaArrecifes de corales
TítuloHope spot in the Caribbean : evidence of coral restoration success in the Dominican Republices
Tipo de materialVideoes
Tipo de contenidoCultural or scientific informationes

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