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AutorPugibet Bobea, Enrique
AutorSluka, Robert
AutorAlmánzar, Luis
AutorHernández, Marina
Fecha de admisión2024-06-21T01:11:29Z
Fecha disponible2024-06-21T01:11:29Z
CitaciónPugibet, E., Sluka, R., Almánzar, L., & Hernández, M. (2004). Estudio pesquero en el Parque Nacional del Este, República Dominicana. Proceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, 48, 293-309. Recuperado de:es
SinopsisCoral reef fish are an important resource throughout the Caribbean, especially in developing countries. The coral reef fish fishery of the Dominican Republic is purely artisanal. This fishery exploits many different species using many types of fishing gear. Coral reef fish are especially vulnerable to overfishing due to their life histories. For example, predatory fish tend to be among the largest individuals on coral reefs and are usually the target for coastal artisanal fishermen. Fishing pressure has dramatically reduced the value of these fishery …es
PublicadoProceedings of the Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute, 48, 293-309es
DerechosAvailable at:
MateriaRecursos naturales - República Dominicanaes
MateriaRecursos costeros y marinoses
MateriaPesca sosteniblees
TítuloEstudio pesquero en el Parque Nacional del Este, República Dominicanaes
Tipo de materialArticlees
Tipo de contenidoScientific researches
AudienciaTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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