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AuthorProyecto Fomento de Resiliencia ante Inundaciones y Sequías
Accessioned date2024-06-02T15:17:40Z
Available date2024-06-02T15:17:40Z
CitationProyecto Fomento de Resiliencia ante Inundaciones y Sequías [2021]. Regional guidelines for the formulation and implementation of policies against drought: formulation of drought management policies that strengthen capacities and facilitate participatory cooperation of SICA countries. [Lugar de edición no identificado]: Central American Integration System (SICA). Recuperado de:es
AbstractBased on the findings of the 2020 workshops, in 2021 the Central American Commission for Environment and Development (CCAD) developed regional guidelines for the formulation and implementation of drought management policies. This guidelines infographic was prepared using Integrated Drought Management Programme (IDMP)’s drought policy guidelines. Contents: Purpose -- Building solutions -- Characteristics of the drought problem in the SICA region -- Starting
Published[Lugar de edición no identificado]: Central American Integration System (SICA)es
Rights© Central American Integration System (SICA).es
SubjectGestión ambiental - Políticas y normases
SubjectGestión ambiental - Planificaciónes
SubjectCambio climáticoes
TitleRegional guidelines for the formulation and implementation of policies against drought : formulation of drought management policies that strengthen capacities and facilitate participatory cooperation of SICA countrieses
Material typeInfographic - Posteres
Type of contentRegulatory - Normativees
AudienceTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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© Central American Integration System (SICA).
© Central American Integration System (SICA).