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LicenseCreative Commons (CC) BY-NC-ND. [Español] Debe reconocer adecuadamente la autoría citando adecuadamente esta fuente. No se permite la generación de obras derivadas ni hacer un uso comercial de la obra original. [English] You must give appropriate credit to the authors properly citing this source. You may not use this document for commercial purposes. The generation or distribution of derivative works is not
AuthorCaribbean Community Climate Change Centre
Accessioned date2024-04-10T00:55:35Z
Available date2024-04-10T00:55:35Z
CitationCaribbean Community Climate Change Centre (2021). The Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre Strategic & Implementation Plan 2021-2025: empowering people to act on climate change. Belmopan, Belize: Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre. Recuperado de:es
AbstractThe Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre’s (CCCCC) Strategic and Implementation Plan 2021-2025, Empowering People to Act on Climate Change1 provides direction and focuses the efforts of the CCCCC on how to contribute to a Caribbean region that is better capable to cope with the adverse effects of climate change and contribute in relevant proportion, to reduce and avoid GHG emissions. The Strategic and Implementation Plan (SIP) 2021-2025 reflects the results of a participatory process, involving the Centre’s staff, Executive Management Team, and its Board of Governors; CARICOM and selected regional institutions; regional and international development agencies; climate change funding partners and other stakeholders. Countries in the Caribbean region are experiencing, first- hand, the effects of climate change, with documented economic, social and environmental impacts at the national, community and ecosystem levels. Small Island Developing States (SIDS), including Caribbean SIDS, are recognized by the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) as countries most vulnerable to climate change. The region is heavily impacted by hurricanes, flooding and droughts, rising sea levels which cause loss of beaches that are critically important to the tourism
PublishedBelmopan, Belize: Caribbean Community Climate Change Centrees
Rights© Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC). Available at:
Rights URI
SubjectGestión ambiental - Planificaciónes
SubjectCambio climáticoes
TitleThe Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre Strategic & Implementation Plan 2021-2025 : empowering people to act on climate changees
Material typeBookes
Type of contentPlan - Strategic or operationales
AudienceTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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Creative Commons (CC) BY-NC-ND. [Español] Debe reconocer adecuadamente la autoría citando adecuadamente esta fuente. No se permite la generación de obras derivadas ni hacer un uso comercial de la obra original. [English] You must give appropriate credit to the authors properly citing this source. You may not use this document for commercial purposes. The generation or distribution of derivative works is not allowed.
Access and downloading this document are subject to this license: Creative Commons (CC) BY-NC-ND. [Español] Debe reconocer adecuadamente la autoría citando adecuadamente esta fuente. No se permite la generación de obras derivadas ni hacer un uso comercial de la obra original. [English] You must give appropriate credit to the authors properly citing this source. You may not use this document for commercial purposes. The generation or distribution of derivative works is not allowed.
© Caribbean Community Climate Change Centre (CCCCC). Available at: