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Accessioned date2024-02-05T23:01:07Z
Available date2024-02-05T23:01:07Z
CitationBirdsCaribbean (2022). Endemic bird of the day: Bay-breasted Cuckoo. From the Nest (Day 94). BirdsCaribbean. Recuperado de:es
AbstractCaribbean Endemic Bird Festival (CEBF) day 94 poster, dedicated to the Bay-breasted Cuckoo. Imagine a half-meter long, dusky gray bird with reddish-brown breast, throat, and wing patch, peach-colored pantaloons and belly, and thick decurved bill. Got that? Now, add a glossy black tail comprising nearly two thirds the bird’s total length, each feather tipped with a bold white spot. Mother Nature is showing off with the Bay-breasted Cuckoo! This bird has a loud, distinctive voice: Cu-aa! (its most common local name in the Dominican Republic), sometimes followed by a guttural accelerating u-ak-u-ak-ak-ak-ak-ak-ak-ak-ak. Residents of Gonaïves, Haiti call it Tako Kabrit (“Goat Cuckoo”) because of its goat-like bawl “Greeee!” Despite all this noise, the Bay-breasted Cuckoo is one of the hardest birds to spot on Hispaniola. It is uncommon, shy and secretive. If you’re lucky, you’ll catch a glimpse of it, agilely hopping and gliding along branches,, hunting for insects, lizards, frogs, small mammals, even bird eggs and nestlings. The Cúa has a Caribbean cousin, which it closely resembles in morphology and plumage: the Chestnut-bellied Cuckoo, endemic to Jamaica, which is much more common. Both species have a thick, down-curved bill. These large cuckoo species feed on similar prey, with similar foraging behaviors. Once, a Cúa was seen sallying at a lower branch, trying to capture a large, well-camouflaged lizard – which turned out to be a previously undiscovered chameleon-like species of Anolis! The Cúa is the second most threatened Hispaniolan endemic bird. Its IUCN status is Endangered. Only two main nesting populations persist in the DR’s Sierra de Bahoruco and North slope of Cordillera Central. In the last 12 years, it has been seen in other areas; but these are likely a few survivors, now at risk of extinction due to the continued destruction of mature broadleaf and semi-deciduous middle elevation forests, their preferred habitat. Intensive farming, including avocado plantations, poses a serious threat to this species’ survival. Hunting is another factor putting pressure on the birds; some local people mistakenly believe that eating the bird will cure arthritis and other ailments. As a complement to the poster, a coloring sheet is
Rights© BirdsCaribbean. Available at:
SubjectBiodiversidad - República Dominicanaes
SubjectAves ─ República Dominicanaes
SubjectHábitats y especieses
TitleEndemic bird of the day : Bay-breasted Cuckooes
Material typeInfographic - Posteres
Type of contentCultural or scientific informationes
Type of contentDidactic - Educational - Interactivees
AudienceChildren and juvenilees

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