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AutorBluvias, Jessie E.
AutorEckert, Karen L.
Fecha de admisión2023-12-28T23:41:01Z
Fecha disponible2023-12-28T23:41:01Z
CitaciónBluvias, J. E., & Eckert, K. L. (2010). Marine turtle trauma response procedures: a husbandry manual. WIDECAST Technical Report No. 10. Ballwin, Missouri: Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST). Recuperado de:es
SinopsisPrepared by the Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST), the aim of this manual is to strengthen and coordinate the efforts of people throughout the Wider Caribbean Region to respond to sea turtles in crisis, whether at sea or stranded along the shoreline. Based on recommendations of the 2004 Annual General Meeting of WIDECAST (held in San José, Costa Rica), the STTRC initiative includes the development of standard guidelines and criteria, reporting forms, database management software, and training for field staff and volunteers, natural resource managers, veterinarians, and animal rescue
PublicadoBallwin, Missouri: Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST)es
Derechos© Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST).es
MateriaHábitats y especieses
MateriaEspecies amenazadas o en peligro de extinciónes
TítuloMarine turtle trauma response procedures : a husbandry manuales
Tipo de materialTextes
Tipo de contenidoGuide - Handbookes
AudienciaTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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© Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST).
© Wider Caribbean Sea Turtle Conservation Network (WIDECAST).