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AuthorEscovar-Fadul, Ximena
AuthorHein, M. Y.
AuthorGarrison, K.
AuthorMcLeod, E.
AuthorEggers, M.
AuthorComito, F.
Accessioned date2023-12-04T22:31:52Z
Available date2023-12-04T22:31:52Z
CitationEscovar-Fadul, X., Hein, M. Y., Garrison, K., McLeod, E., Eggers, M., & Comito, F. (2022). A guide to coral reef restoration for the tourism sector: partnering with Caribbean tourism leaders to accelerate coral restoration. [Lugar de edición no identificado]: The Nature Conservancy (TNC). Recuperado de:es
AbstractHealthy coral reefs are essential for the Caribbean tourism industry, which drives local economies and supports hundreds of thousands of livelihoods throughout the region. A Guide to Coral Reef Restoration for the Tourism Sector presents coral restoration best practices backed by scientific research, practitioner experience and stakeholder input. It addresses barriers that, up until now, have hindered the Caribbean tourism sector from substantively engaging in efforts to conserve the very marine environments that draw millions of visitors to the region each year. It also reveals key opportunities for the industry during a critical time—when developing sustainable tourism practices not only helps to reverse years of degradation of Caribbean reefs, but also helps tourism-dependent businesses to survive and prosper after the economic fallout of COVID-19. This report was co-led by UNEP, The Nature Conservancy (TNC), and the Caribbean Hotel & Tourism Association (CHTA) and was designed specifically for the tourism
Published[Lugar de edición no identificado]: The Nature Conservancy (TNC)es
Rights© The Nature Conservancy (TNC).es
SubjectRecursos costeros y marinoses
SubjectArrecifes de corales
SubjectConservación ambientales
SubjectTurismo sosteniblees
TitleA guide to coral reef restoration for the tourism sector: partnering with Caribbean tourism leaders to accelerate coral restorationes
Material typeBookletes
Type of contentGuide - Handbookes
AudienceTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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© The Nature Conservancy (TNC).