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AutorKervezee, Niki
AutorPower, Catherine
dc.contributor.editorO’Halloran, Martin
Fecha de admisión2023-09-28T01:32:59Z
Fecha disponible2023-09-28T01:32:59Z
CitaciónKervezee, N., Power, C., O’Halloran, M. (ed.). (2021). New horizons for conservation: a global dialogue on rights, inclusion and our connection with and dependence on nature. Gland, Switzerland: World Wide Fund for Nature. Recuperado de:es
SinopsisAs WWF enters its 60th anniversary year and considers the future of conservation, the organization convened a global dialogue to explore innovative approaches to conservation that can help meaningfully balance benefits for people and nature in a rapidly changing world. This document is a summary report of a series of dialogues hosted by WWF from June to September 2020. The ideas shared throughout the global dialogue include important reflections for the conservation community, together with a range of other sectors and players, to further consider and embrace as we move forward in our shared aim to achieve a thriving, resilient, just and sustainable future for
PublicadoGland, Switzerland: World Wide Fund for Naturees
Derechos© World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).es
MateriaRecursos naturaleses
MateriaConservación ambientales
TítuloNew horizons for conservation : a global dialogue on rights, inclusion and our connection with and dependence on naturees
Tipo de materialBookletes
Tipo de contenidoTechnical reportes
AudienciaTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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© World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF).