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AutorGonzález Lamus, Juanita
Fecha de admisión2023-09-16T17:16:43Z
Fecha disponible2023-09-16T17:16:43Z
CitaciónGonzález Lamus, J. (2021). Latin American Water Funds Partnership. Recuperado de:es
SinopsisThis document seeks to guide designers and executors of water funds in Latin America in order for them to understand ecosystem-based adaptation (EBA) approach and implement measures that reduce vulnerability of people to climate events by leveraging ecosystem services and biodiversity, as part of the actions that contribute to the water security of their watersheds. Implementation of EBA measures does not have a standardized formula; however, there are some basic criteria and guidelines that must be considered. This guide presents those guidelines that must be taken into account in both the water funds that are in the process of being created and those that are already in
Publicado[Lugar de edición no identificado]: Latin American Water Funds Partnershipes
Derechos© Latin American Water Funds
MateriaRecursos naturaleses
MateriaRecursos hídricoses
MateriaGestión ambiental - Planificaciónes
TítuloEcosystem-based adaptation (EBA) and water funds guidees
Tipo de materialBookletes
Tipo de contenidoGuide - Handbookes
AudienciaTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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© Latin American Water Funds Partnership.