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AutorLecerf, M.
AutorHerr, D.
AutorThomas, T.
AutorElverum, C.
AutorDelrieu, E.
AutorPicourt, L.
Fecha de admisión2023-03-16T01:31:57Z
Fecha disponible2023-03-16T01:31:57Z
CitaciónLecerf, M., Herr D., Thomas, T., Elverum, C., Delrieu, E. and Picourt, L. (2021). Coastal and marine ecosystems as nature-based solutions in new or updated Nationally Determined Contributions. Ocean & Climate Platform, Conservation International, IUCN, GIZ, Rare, The Nature Conservancy and WWF. Recuperado de:es
SinopsisThis policy brief examines the new or updated Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs), submitted as part of the first revision cycle mandated by the Paris Agreement under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), with regard to the inclusion of specific efforts addressing coastal and marine Nature-based Solutions (NbS) as climate mitigation and/or adaptation measures. The Dominican Republic is one of the countries that included coastal and marine NbS in both mitigation and adaptation
PublicadoOcean & Climate Platform, Conservation International, IUCN, GIZ, Rare, The Nature Conservancy and WWFes
Derechos© Ocean & Climate Platform, Conservation International, IUCN, GIZ, Rare, The Nature Conservancy and
MateriaCambio climáticoes
MateriaImpacto ambientales
MateriaAcuerdos internacionaleses
MateriaGestión ambiental - Políticas y normases
MateriaRecursos marinoses
TítuloCoastal and marine ecosystems as nature-based solutions in new or updated Nationally Determined Contributions : provisional analysis as of June 2021es
Tipo de materialBookletes
Tipo de contenidoTechnical reportes
AudienciaTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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© Ocean & Climate Platform, Conservation International, IUCN, GIZ, Rare, The Nature Conservancy and WWF.
© Ocean & Climate Platform, Conservation International, IUCN, GIZ, Rare, The Nature Conservancy and WWF.