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LicenciaCreative Commons (CC) BY-NC-ND. [Español] Debe reconocer adecuadamente la autoría citando adecuadamente esta fuente. No se permite la generación de obras derivadas ni hacer un uso comercial de la obra original. [English] You must give appropriate credit to the authors properly citing this source. You may not use this document for commercial purposes. The generation or distribution of derivative works is not
AutorHart, Julie A. (ed.)
AutorRimmer, Christopher C. (ed.)
AutorDettmers, Randy (ed.)
AutorWhittam, Rebecca M. (ed.)
AutorMcKinnon, Emily A. (ed.)
AutorMcFarland, Kent P. (ed.)
Fecha de admisión2023-02-18T01:34:04Z
Fecha disponible2023-02-18T01:34:04Z
CitaciónHart, J. A. et al. (ed.) (2010). A conservation action plan for Bicknell’s Thrush (Catharus bicknelli). USA / Canada: International Bicknell’s Thrush Conservation Group. Recuperado de:es
SinopsisThis Plan highlights the priority conservation actions needed to address factors contributing to the global vulnerability of Bicknell’s Thrush. It is not an exhaustive review or assessment of the species’ status. Rather, the Plan summarizes salient life history characteristics of Bicknell’s Thrush, identifies factors that may limit its populations, proposes desired population and habitat goals for conservation, and describes critical activities needed to achieve those
PublicadoUSA / Canada: International Bicknell’s Thrush Conservation Groupes
Derechos© International Bicknell’s Thrush Conservation Groupes
URI de derechos
MateriaBiodiversidad - República Dominicanaes
MateriaHábitats y especieses
MateriaAves ─ República Dominicanaes
MateriaEspecies amenazadases
TítuloA conservation action plan for Bicknell’s Thrush (Catharus bicknelli)es
Tipo de materialBookletes
Tipo de contenidoPlan - Strategic or operationales
AudienciaTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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Creative Commons (CC) BY-NC-ND. [Español] Debe reconocer adecuadamente la autoría citando adecuadamente esta fuente. No se permite la generación de obras derivadas ni hacer un uso comercial de la obra original. [English] You must give appropriate credit to the authors properly citing this source. You may not use this document for commercial purposes. The generation or distribution of derivative works is not allowed.
La consulta y descarga de este documento están sujetas a esta licencia: Creative Commons (CC) BY-NC-ND. [Español] Debe reconocer adecuadamente la autoría citando adecuadamente esta fuente. No se permite la generación de obras derivadas ni hacer un uso comercial de la obra original. [English] You must give appropriate credit to the authors properly citing this source. You may not use this document for commercial purposes. The generation or distribution of derivative works is not allowed.
© International Bicknell’s Thrush Conservation Group