Mostrando ítems 881-885 de 2268

    • Turning the golden tide : engaging women and youth in sargassum influx management 

      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (2021)
      This summary document is based on the updated UNEP-CEP Sargassum White Paper. The brief provides key messages that highlight the vulnerability of women and youth to sargassum influx events; details the role women and youth ...
    • Sargassum influx update for entrepreneurs and SMES 

      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (2021)
      This guidance brief is for innovators, entrepreneurs, and small and medium sized businesses interested in or having started a business initiative that makes use of sargassum as a resource or raw material. This brief is ...
    • Sargassum influx update for policy makers 

      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP) (2021)
      Since the impacts of sargassum influxes are multisectoral, there is correspondingly a wide range of stakeholders. Stakeholder dynamics, interrelationships, and interests are often complex, reflecting the complexity of the ...
    • Creating a marine protected area network in the Wider Caribbean : strengthening connections and collaboration to conserve the Caribbean ecosystem 

      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); Caribbean Environment Programme (CEP) (2015)
      The ecosystem of the Caribbean has evolved over millions of years of geological and biological processes that have shaped the islands and marine environments of the region. These processes have created diverse and complex ...
    • ¿Qué es la RSAP y cómo beneficiará al sector privado? 

      Programa de las Naciones Unidas para el Medio Ambiente (PNUMA); Programa Ambiental del Caribe (PAC) (2015)
      [Español] El RSAP contempla la participación del sector privado en esfuerzos colaborativos para desarrollar proyectos piloto y participar en la recolección y análisis de los datos necesarios para la toma de decisiones ...