Mostrando ítems 2070-2089 de 2162

    • The Parks in Peril site consolidation scorecard : lessons from protected areas in Latin American and the Caribbean 

      Martin, Angela S.; Rieger, James F. (2003)
      This document represents a synthesis of issues, tools, case studies, and best practices emerging from the The Parks in Peril (PiP) program. It focuses on the application of the site consolidation scorecard, recommending ...
    • The potential of whale watching in the Caribbean : 1999+ : a new report from the Whale and Dolphin Conservation Society 

      Hoyt, Erich (1999)
      In the Greater Caribbean — comprising some 23 island nations and overseas territories of France, Britain, and the Netherlands — whale watching is still a fairly new idea. Begun in southern California in 1955, commercial ...
    • The Protected Area of Managed Natural Resources of the Three Bays (PA3B) : Management Plan 2017-2027 

      Henwood, William D.; Aucoin, Serge; Turner, Mel (2017)
      In Haiti, the priority seascape is known as the “Protected Area of Managed Natural Resources of the Three Bays” (PA3B) on Haiti’s north-east coast. The Government of Haiti created the PA3B, the largest protected area in ...
    • The Red List of Magnoliaceae 

      Cicuzza, Daniele; Newton, Adrian; Oldfield, Sara (2007)
      This global evaluation of the conservation status of the Magnoliaceae has been one of the few attempts to evaluate an entire plant family. In total there are about 245 taxa described in the family and IUCN Red List categories ...
    • The Red List of Magnoliaceae : revised and extended 

      Rivers, Malin; Beech, Emily; Murphy, Lydia; Oldfield, Sara (2016)
      The Red List of Magnoliaceae aims to stimulate conservation action for Magnolia species under threat. The Botanic Gardens Conservation International (BGCI) and the Global Trees campaign work with botanic gardens and other ...
    • The state of biodiversity in the Caribbean community : a review of progress towards the Aichi biodiversity targets 

      Caribbean Community (CARICOM) Secretariat (2017)
      The publication provides key information given the relative lack of baseline data and related time-bound objectively quantifiable targets for the sub-region, and is of particular value given the dependence on natural ...
    • The state of nearshore marine habitats in the Wider Caribbean 

      United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP); Caribbean Environment Programme (CEP); Caribbean Natural Resources Institute (CANARI) (2020)
      The report focuses on three habitats that are characteristic of coastal ecosystems in the wider Caribbean, namely coral reefs, mangrove forests, and seagrass meadows. The report highlights the status and trends of the three ...
    • The state of the Caribbean climate 

      Climate Studies Group Mona, University of the West Indies (2020)
      In the Caribbean, weather and climate events recurrently impact economic performance, productivity, livelihoods and quality of life. The record-breaking 2017 hurricane season stands as one of several recent examples that ...
    • The threshold of sustainability for tourism within protected areas : a quick guide for protected area practioners 

      Drumm, A.; McCool, S.; Rieger, J. (2011)
      This Quick Guide, in the style of the series under the Programme of Work on Protected Areas of the Convention on Biological Diversity, introduces a tourism management framework called the “threshold of sustainability.” It ...
    • The valuation of marine ecosystem goods and services in the Wider Caribbean Region 

      Schuhmann, Peter W. (2012)
      This report provides a summary of economic analyses of marine ecosystem services in the Wider Caribbean Region for the three major marine ecosystem types being addressed by the Caribbean Large Marine Ecosystem (CLME) ...
    • Tipologías cafetaleras de la República Dominicana : manejo, rendimientos y desempeño financiero 

      Somarriba, Eduardo; Sánchez Peña, Ramón Ovidio; López Sampson, Arlene; Álvarez Varela, Diana; Peñaló, Juan Pablo; Peguero, Felipe (2021)
      La caficultura de la República Dominicana se encuentra en una encrucijada fundamental. Por un lado, la producción nacional está en caída libre desde hace un par de décadas debido al envejecimiento, poca tecnificación y ...
    • La tortuga carey del Caribe : introducción a su biología y estado de conservación 

      Chacón-Chaverri, Didiher (2005)
      La conservación de las tortugas carey plantea grandes desafíos a las sociedades modernas. Si bien es mucho lo que se ha aprendido acerca de la biología de estos animales en los últimos cincuenta años, aún prevalecen ...
    • Tortugas marinas : una lucha por la supervivencia 

      International Fund for Animal Welfare-IFAW; Humane Society International (Sin fecha)
      El ciclo de vida de las tortugas marinas es bastante complejo. En cada etapa de sus vidas, necesitan diferentes tipos de hábitat o ambientes para desarrollarse, y deben recorrer cientos o miles de kilómetros entre las zonas ...
    • Tourists, turtles and trinkets : a look at the trade in marine turtle products in the Dominican Republic and Colombia 

      Reuter, Adrian; Crawford, Allan (2006)
      The Dominican Republic and the Caribbean coastline of Colombia have a long history of use of marine turtles for both local consumption (turtle eggs, meat and oil) and for crafting into ornamental products such as jewellery, ...
    • Towards marine ecosystem-based management in the Wider Caribbean 

      Fanning, Lucia; Mahon, Robin; McConney, Patrick (2011)
      This symposium on marine EBM/EAF in the Caribbean was developed to provide needed guidance to the CLME Project by bringing together regional experts to develop a vision and a way ahead for EBM/EAF. The aim of the symposium ...
    • Towards national drought policies in Latin America and the Caribbean region 

      Magalhaes, Antonio (2018)
      The objective of this white paper is to suggest the components of a proactive drought policy that could be adopted and implemented in the countries of Latin America and the Caribbean that experience frequent droughts. A ...
    • Transforma 

      Proyecto Transición Energética (editores) (2019)
      El proyecto “Fomento de Energías Renovables para Implementar los Objetivos Climáticos en la República Dominicana”, cuyo nombre abreviado es "Proyecto Transición Energética", tiene como objetivo principal la implementación ...
    • Transforma, núm. 1 

      Proyecto Transición Energética (editores) (2019)
      Primera edición del boletín informativo del Proyecto Transición Energética (PTE). Artículos en este número: Firman contrato de ejecución PTE; 1era reunión socios sector público PTE; Delegación dominicana en la Feria Smarter ...
    • Transforma, núm. 10 

      Proyecto Transición Energética (editores) (2023)
      Décima y última edición del boletín informativo del Proyecto Transición Energética (PTE). Artículos en este número: Delegación de la República Dominicana lleva a cabo misión en Chile -- Ministerio de Energía y Minas obtiene ...
    • Transforma, núm. 2 

      Proyecto Transición Energética (editores) (2019)
      Segunda edición del boletín informativo del Proyecto Transición Energética (PTE). Artículos en este número: Introducción a los pronósticos de generación solar y eólica y su aplicación en México y Centroamérica; Primera ...