Comunidad Técnico-profesional y científica
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Informes y otros documentos técnicos, instrumentos de planificación, gestión y educación ambiental, libros y artículos con resultados de investigación.Collections in this community
Educación ambiental [475]
Gestión ambiental [2412]
Investigación ambiental [1409]
Recent Submissions
Pass on parrotfish : saving reefs by protecting parrotfish : news from the U.S. Agency for International Development Caribbean Marine Biodiversity Program
(2018)The Caribbean Marine Biodiversity Program is a five-year project (2014-2019), funded by the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and carried out by The Nature Conservancy, that aims to achieve sustained ... -
Parrotfishes in the Caribbean : a regional review with recommendations for management
(2021)Parrotfishes are caught primarily by fish traps and spearfishing (targeted and incidental) for personal and commercial consumption. Over half (65 percent) of the responding countries and overseas territories indicated that ... -
The mahi-mahi value chain in the Dominican Republic : summary report
(2023)Mahi-mahi (Coryphaena hippurus), dolphinfish or, as it is known locally, dorado, is a fisheries resource of high economic interest. It is an important source of employment and income for the coastal communities of the ... -
The colour of seawater : colour perception and environmental change in Dominican seascapes
(2023)The colour of seawater is a topic of daily discussion among diver fishermen in the Dominican Republic, who navigate shifting ocean environments alongside conservation politics. While conservation policies often target ... -
Understanding spearfishing in a coral reef fishery : fishers’ opportunities, constraints, and decision-making
(2017)Social and ecological systems come together during the act of fishing. However, we often lack a deep understanding of the fishing process, despite its importance for understanding and managing fisheries. A quantitative, ...