Comunidad Técnico-profesional y científica
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Informes y otros documentos técnicos, instrumentos de planificación, gestión y educación ambiental, libros y artículos con resultados de investigación.Collections in this community
Educación ambiental [475]
Gestión ambiental [2404]
Investigación ambiental [1400]
Recent Submissions
The value of reefs for protecting the most vulnerable populations in the Dominican Republic, Jamaica and Grenada
(2020)The aim of this study was to assess the flood protection benefits of reefs for protecting the most vulnerable people in the Dominican Republic (DR), Jamaica and Grenada. The study aims to support work on nature-based ... -
The Secret Life of Coral Reefs : a Dominican Republic adventure : teacher’s guide
(2019)Educational resource designed to enhance classroom learning about coral reefs. The guide provides teachers with comprehensive lesson plans and interactive activities focused on the importance of coral reef ecosystems, their ... -
ReefFix: An Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Ecosystem Services Valuation and Capacity Building Project for the Caribbean
(2012)The ReefFix project fact sheet offers a detailed overview designed to support the replication of effective environmental and conservation strategies across Small Island Developing States (SIDS). It highlights essential ... -
ReefFix: An Integrated Coastal Zone Management (ICZM) Ecosystem Services Valuation and Capacity Building Project for the Caribbean : 3rd draft progress report - period July-October 2013
(2013)Out of 8 case studies, 5 were completed to the draft stage and are under review by the Governments involved for follow-up activities, implementation, and phase 2 requests. The OAS DSD is leading a partnership to develop ... -
ReefFix, Fortalecimiento de capacidades para el Caribe: gestión integrada de zonas costeras (ICZM) y valoración de servicios ambientales
(2013)Informe final sobre los ecosistemas costeros y marinos en República Dominicana en el marco de la iniciativa regional «ReefFix, Fortalecimiento de capacidades para el Caribe: gestión integrada de zonas costeras (ICZM) y ...