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AutorKonold, Mark
AutorLucky, Matthew
AutorOchs, Alexander
AutorMusolino, Evan
AutorWeber, Michael
AutorAhmed, Asad
Fecha de admisión2022-11-09T00:57:49Z
Fecha disponible2022-11-09T00:57:49Z
CitaciónKonold, M. et al. (2015). Roadmap to a sustainable energy system : harnessing the Dominican Republic’s sustainable energy resources. Washington, DC: Worldwatch Institute; Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Germany. Recuperado de:es
SinopsisThis expanded guide makes the case for the social and economic benefits of sustainable energy solutions in the Dominican Republic. With an abundance of solar, wind, hydro, and biomass resources, the country has the potential to revolutionize the way it produces and consumes electricity, by witnessing a surge in the uptake of small-to medium-scale renewable energy deployment. Contents: 1. A sustainable energy roadmap for the Dominican Republic: an integrated approach; 2. Energy efficiency potential; 3. Renewable energy potential; 4. Grid improvement and energy storage; 5. Technological pathways for meeting the Dominican Republic’s future electricity demand; 6. Assessing the socioeconomic impacts of alternative electricity pathways; 7. Sustainable energy finance in the Dominican Republic: barriers and innovations; 8. Policies to harness sustainable energy opportunities in DR; 9. DR’S energy outlook: transitioning to a sustainable energy
PublicadoWashington, DC: Worldwatch Institute; Federal Ministry for the Environment, Nature Conservation and Nuclear Safety of Germanyes
Derechos© 2015 Worldwatch
MateriaGestión ambiental - Planificaciónes
MateriaEnergías renovableses
TítuloRoadmap to a sustainable energy system : harnessing the Dominican Republic’s sustainable energy resourceses
Tipo de materialTextes
Tipo de contenidoPlan - Strategic or operationales
Tipo de contenidoTechnical reportes
AudienciaTechnicians, professionals and scientistses

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